Between the two rivals only a few miles: Benny Gantz has chosen the Hangar 11 in the port of Tel Aviv for the final rally of his blue-and-white coalition, Benjamin Netanyahu will be speaking on Saturday evening at the event, his right-wing nationalist Likud party in the neighboring city of Ramat Gan. While Gantz shakes when moving into the ballroom, hands, waived his followers of “Bibi” – called rival to direct contact with the Coronavirus! As the amount of “Bibi! King of Israel,” begins to sing against Netanyahu. He was not a king, but need every vote.

The 70-Year-old, the government takes a total of twelve years of operations in the country, is strikingly loose, as he goes with the microphone in Hand on stage on and off. Be ten years younger Challenger, tried to present like a statesman and keep his speech from the console.

Both of these need to mobilize their supporters, because the Israelis are called on Monday for the third Time within a year to the General election. After the elections in April and in September, neither the Netanyahu-led Block from the right and religious parties could form a government with the center-left camp, led by Gantz. So the audience, which is expected to be white, if Netanyahu raises the question in the room: “do you Want to Tibi, or…” – “Bibi”, it sounds back. After this allusion to Ahmad Tibi, one of the leaders of the Arab parties Joint list refers to the fact that Gantz could only make use of the Arabs, who make up a fifth of the population, a government. Gantz excludes this Option.

Netanyahu must? before the court

he Also tried to involve the audience: “What would you have said a few years ago, if I would have told you that there is a Prime Minister who is faced with three charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust and, therefore, the state in three elections tugs, in order to avoid a process Would you have believed it?” “No,” shouts the crowd. “Israel is led by a man who acts like a mobster,” says Gantz, and predicts that Netanyahu will do after the election, everything to gain immunity, and the process, the on 17. March should start to prevent.

In the days before the election, the campaign was dirty: That Gantz “was a threat to the country,” said one of his advisors in a secretly recorded audio recording. You should come from a Rabbi, with Netanyahu shortly before the release hit. Shortly afterwards, shots of an adviser to Netanyahu have been motivating publication that raved about how “Likuds hate campaign” voters. Netanyahu’s son Yair was, of course, in social media, on the possible Affairs of Gantz. He was vulnerable to blackmail, because to find on the chopped phone shots of sexual acts were. He was also accused of being on the bankruptcy of a company is guilty of.

Netanyahu has managed, in polls anyway, it’s a race to catch up. Be the Likud is on par or slightly ahead of Blue-and-White had won the election in September with a mandate to lead. But Netanyahu is missing at least three mandates to the majority of 61 of the 120 seats in the Knesset. Likud and Blue-and-White would have a clear majority, but Gantz ruled out participation in a government, Netanyahu belongs to. According to a survey by the Israel Democracy Institute, 30 percent of the Israelis are already the fact that a fourth election will be necessary.

Created: 02.03.2020, 06:32 PM