The excitement is international. With the exception of the United States, the international community has high Wednesday 24 June 2020, at the security Council of the UN against the project of Israel to annex part of the west bank, the Palestinians, who are planning to enter the international Court of Justice, demanding sanctions. At a video conference attended by several ministers, the heads of the united Nations and the arab League have asked unison to Israel to “abandon its plans” that could ” bring an end to international efforts in favour of the creation of a viable palestinian State “.

The goal must remain to have ” two States — Israel and an independent palestinian State, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable — living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders based on the lines defined in 1967, with Jerusalem the capital of two States “, noted the UN’s Antonio Guterres. His position contrasts with the plan for the Near East of the United States, which have recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and which call for a palestinian State reduced and fragmented. In Washington, the us secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also said that a possible annexation of large swathes of the occupied west bank “was left up to the Israelis,” giving a green light to de facto to the jewish State.

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An annexation “would destroy the whole idea of peace in the future”

At the meeting of the security Council, the stakeholders in an overwhelming majority, have warned against any annexation. In a joint statement, seven european countries — Germany, Estonia, Belgium, France, Norway, Ireland and the United Kingdom, stressed that it ” would seriously undermine the relaunch of negotiations “. “Because of our obligations and responsibilities in matters of international law, the annexation will have consequences on our close relationship with Israel, and will not be recognised by us “, they added, not to speak of sanctions. An annexation “would destroy the whole idea of peace in the future,” also said the secretary-general of the League of arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

special Coordinator of the united Nations for the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, stressed that ” annexation could alter irretrievably the nature of israeli-palestinian relations “. “It might put an end to more than a quarter of a century of international efforts in favour of a viable palestinian State “, he warned. “A chance must be given to diplomacy “, underlined the leader, in calling for a raise “without preconditions” of the middle east Quartet, which brings together on the israeli-palestinian the United States, Russia, the european Union and the united nations, ” in order to find a way out of the current crisis “.

Read also the plans of annexation in the west bank : it is complicated to Netanyahu

” red “

Any annexation would be a ” crime “, told the security Council the head of the diplomacy, palestinian, Riad Al-Malki, warning of “immediate impact” if this project materialize. Everyone speaks of ” crossroads “, but the problem is that Israel is “unfortunately the driver” and that he refuses to stop at ” red light “, stressed the minister. “The annexation is not only illegal. It is a crime, ” he insisted. Despite this, “Israel seems determined to ignore this big red light that the international community has erected to save lives,” said Riad Al-Malki. He recalled that the Palestinians had “called on the international community to adopt effective measures, including sanctions, to deter” Israel to proceed with annexation of territories.

During a conference call with the press, he said that the Palestinians were studying a possible referral to the international Court of Justice. “We look at this possibility” and “a possible option would be to oppose sanctions” to annexation. If the international community does not decide sanctions, ” then you create a precedent, and we lose “. The world ” should stand against such violation by Israel of international law if it occurs, he asked.

Before the Council, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, blamed the Palestinians have refused to come to negotiate with his country. He also criticized the international community “not to take to the palestinian leadership” and ” ignore the reality “. The government of israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu should announce that from the 1st of July its strategy to implement the american plan. It could include the annexation by Israel of jewish settlements and the Jordan valley, a vast agricultural plain, in the west bank.

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Araud – Israel has nothing to gain by annexing the west bank