When Nicole Levy is engaged in public health studies at Columbia university after having worked in the journalism, the young New Yorker was not expecting such a graduation ceremony. Rite fort in the life of every young American, the scale of 2020 will be like no other, Covid-19 requires. As the other students in the country, Nicole has not had the right to the traditional ceremony in presence of close relatives and the photos in toga university : end of may, she participated in a great video conferencing with fellow students and teachers. “It was a little disappointing not being able to celebrate this moment with my family, recognizes it, but, even if this ceremony and the end of this semester has been weird and surreal, I know that there will be many opportunities for me to have a positive impact on society and the health system. “

Between disappointment and idealism, promotion 2020 of the schools of medicine and public health has been forged by the Covid-19. This is particularly the case in New York, epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, where many students joined the war effort against the virus. For Nicole Levy, which is included in the programme of public health of Columbia after his grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, the heavy tribute paid by the retirement homes has strengthened its commitment to the support of seniors, their field of specialization. “This pandemic reminds us that the elderly people are in need of attention. Our society should better care for, preserve their dignity and recognize their contribution, ” she said. Prior to this pandemic, no one in the family really understood what we’re studying. Public health was a mystery. Now, the country knows what it is and understands the importance of investing in it. “

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“I was not surprised to see the injustices that occur during the pandemic,”

as a black woman born to a jamaican mother, Janine Inez, a graduate of the school of nursing of Columbia, wants to work with people who do not have easy access to health care (visible minorities, undocumented, uninsured…) and whose vulnerability has been exposed by the virus. The black community, for example, has been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19, either because the Blacks are “key employment” (deliverers, caregivers, transportation, etc.), or because they have many co-morbidities (asthma, diabetes, obesity…), themselves related to disparities of care.

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” Being a person of color, I was not surprised to see the injustices manifest themselves during the pandemic. They have existed all my life, ” she said. Coming from a family of many nurses, Janine was first studied writing tv/film in Los Angeles before wanting to become a nurse. It-even those suffering from asthma, the aggravation factor of the Covid, she was not able to join his comrades called upon to lend a strong hand in the hospital in march. However, she participated in the Columbia Student Service Corps, a program for students initiated at the time of the crisis, to assist vulnerable populations. Its role : to contribute to the psychological care of caregivers in first line. “They have been traumatized by their experience, by the number of deaths,” she says. Some had never had to face death before. “

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Living in the Rockaways, a peninsula in new york in the south of the city, Sabastian Hajrovic, a graduate of biomedical sciences at the university / City College of New York, now wants to do more than the medicine. At the age of 21, major of his promotion, who was already engaged in several causes, is considering entering politics after having noted the management catastrophic health crisis in the United States. “It is important for scientists, doctors, surgeons to be elected and to be in positions where they can make decisions, use their critical sense. We owe it to society, ” he says. Like others, he thinks that the world will long remember this promotion 2020. “We are completing our studies at a time when the world is being redefined and restructured. The graduates of 2020 will have the opportunity to improve it. “

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