school Senator Ties Rabe (SPD) assumes that the Hamburg schools can go to the end of the summer without clearance in the normal operation. Although it must be considered in light of the unpredictable Corona-infectious events is also always “that the minimum distance must be adhered to,” he said on Tuesday in the school Committee of the citizenship. Given the good Numbers in Hamburg, he was confident, however, that there could be after the summer holidays “by the offer of a return to the full offered” from in front of the Corona-crisis.

such A proposal should include the full number of hours “with sports, with music, with theatre and other courses”. In special cases, the offer must be accompanied by hygiene rules. “This is especially true for sports, but also for Singing, and the wind and brass classes,” said Raven.

the repeal of The minimum distance rule is for reasons of space a precondition for the resumption of the control operation in the schools. Otherwise, the students may be supervised only in smaller learning groups in the change in the classroom in the school and in distance education. Also it would have to prepare the schools.

in The case of distance education there is urgent need for improvement in Hamburg, Germany. “We know there’s a lot of work to do.” Raven asked for patience. Hamburg is working on the introduction of a unified digital learning management system. “We are not there yet, but we will not be able to achieve in the next five weeks.”

by the corona-related classes restrictions resulting learning deficits, wanted to do the school Board in grades 4 and 7, after the holidays, a Test, and the results are quickly available to the schools are back. “We want to enable teachers to gain a picture of where your students are,” said the Senator. Moreover, his authority would make the schools more Test for other vintages available, which could perform in your own.
