Week no one was able to view the new special exhibition “treasures” in the Museum of lake Starnberg in Starnberg visit. After registration, visitors are now welcome – and well worth a visit.

Starnberg – The Museum Starnberger see has re-opened. Anyone can clean, but only 15 people at a time, and that a Mouth guard must be worn, needless to say. Only after registration, however, the hole man, the house and the current special exhibition can be visited. “Guess look” is worth a visit.

The Corona-restrictions Museum Director Benjamin takes Tillig and tried to make the Best of it. A real shame, he finds that due to the restriction of school classes lack. Really full, it is not so in the Museum. This is a shame, because that’s what takes your breath away, the less of the Mouth guard, but a very exciting special exhibition, “watch guess” that up to 10. To see January 2021 is.

“is A Museum a place of things,” explains Tillig his Museum concept, and he plans to make the exhibits “come alive”. For a year he is the head of the Museum, that he picks up from the slumber. The Corona of the crisis in its plans to vigorously churned, but in retrospect, the “is also a fruitful Moment”. Because: “We had time enough to think about what and whom we want to achieve with the Museum, as we the audience can wear and what is missing in the Museum.”

Historical plans and some of the puzzle

Now, there are more tables and chairs in the large garden, in the distance regulations easy to comply with, and the quality of the original Italian Cappuccino machine makes for true holiday sentiments, if one enjoys his coffee in the shade of the ash tree, which was planted at the opening of the Museum in 1914 – according to the legend of Bavaria’s last king Ludwig III. of Him, and the founding fathers of the Museum, including Richard, Paul and Martin Penzl you meet for the first time in the special exhibition “treasures look”.

The hand-written Original of the articles of Association of the Museum Association is exhibited in the entrance area with further documents and a newly-built architectural plan of the Lochmann house, based on new measurements. While Drawing this, architectural plans, researchers have encountered several large puzzle – how can it be, for example, that the upper room with the beautiful wood paneling was installed later, but the older walls than the surrounding outdoor? Since one and a half years working on the report and think about the meaning of some of the beams in the living room after wearing.

There are just such secrets, to the delight of the Museum Director Benjamin Tillig. To get to the track and to make them accessible to visitors, they will advise, often with experts such as the Director-General of the Bavarian national Museum, Dr. Frank Matthias Kammel, and the Museum’s Directorate, colleagues from the Ismaninger Kallmann-Museum, the open-air Museum Glentleiten and the Museum Marta Herford. Goal, a new mission statement and Museum concept, with the Tillig the house in the future wants to lead.

How ceramic pug to the Museum Starnberger see?

but most of all, he drives into the Depot and blow the dust from the shelves in search of new exhibits. In the Depths of the camp, he has already discovered some of the Oddity that is now being shown in the special exhibition. Treasures that tell new stories about star mountain, past or inviting them to invent their own stories. The little things that make him particularly fun. As the ceramic pug and his “friend”, an exotic earthenware birds. No one knows why have you ever ended up in the Museum. Also the French Flag, the French war, probably dates from the time of the English -, deals with the historians, as well as two cakes, in the ancient screw-in lenses – presumably a field catering from the First world war.

But what story is really behind the dagger, the persistent rumor is adhered, the Opera singer, Leoni would want to kill her? Benjamin laughs Tillig and refers to the short and narrow blade, but who knows, after all, the file, the Empress Sisi was not the living cost is also much longer. In addition, he has placed a Couple of with silver thread decorated Rococo booties made of silk. A relic from the court? And then the lion’s head there are still the unusual Bugfigur of a carriage. What is it with the large paper globe balloon to the may festival companies of the early Biedermeier period loopholes, or the students of a village school?

a Lot of things that have been preserved as temple treasures and the Museum has a chamber of wonders make. And because it is the things of life, a wonderful a Film to the media artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss from 1987. “The course of things,” was all the rage at Documenta 8, is now part of the collection of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris and the permanent exhibit of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Thus, Starnberg is in really good company.