Three to alcohol and six drug stopped, as the speaker of the Soko “Argus”, Marc Klinger, said on Thursday were rides. A total of eleven criminal charges were refunded and 36 of the offences detected. In addition, there had been twelve of the manhunt hit, it said. Since the Morning 240 riot police and 80 officials from the provincial police Directorate to searches and checks were in use. Until early afternoon mobile and stationary controls were carried out, among other things, at a rest area on the motorway 4 in the direction of Görlitz. “Random samples were pulled out of the vehicles and controlled,” said Klinger. A drug-sniffing dog was with them.

The use of the Soko “Argus”, which had been founded at the end of 2019 to combat border crime coordinated. The wanted group of around 60 officials from the police Department in Görlitz. They deal mainly with property crimes. Their share of all cases is reached at the end of June, almost 52 percent. The total damage was in this area alone approximately 1.4 million Euro.
