“We have chosen this Time deliberately for the title of “climate and justice” of our Demo, to address existing social and global inequalities stronger,” says Karolin Sinning in the name of the Fridays for Future local Chapter of Fulda. Because of the murder of George Floyd have led the world once again of how deeply racism still always be rooted in our societal structures and institutions. “As Fridays for Future local group, and thus part of the global climate justice movement, it is our duty to us with racism and power relations, to put apart, and the global inequalities that this climate of injustice and cause more fire, more to take,” said Sinning. The participants can see the Demonstration as a first step to ensure that the voices of the BIPoC (Black, Indigenous andPeople of Colour) are to be found in the future, more hearing.

in addition, you want to put in the Corona-a sign, in order to make the climate crisis: “the crisis is a bitter reality for many people in the global South, whose livelihoods will be destroyed due to extreme weather events and to escape they are forced to. This exacerbates the difference between rich and Poor”, the protesters. In addition, they point out: “people and country, the dirty so far, least of all the environment, can protect the worst of the consequences of the climate crisis, because they have fewer resources available. The rich industrial Nations in the global North, however, so we have a historically to blame for the man-made warming of the climate due to our Imperial way of life. We all therefore bear the responsibility to combat the climate crisis, to help the Weakest in society and people listen to those drives injustice resist.”

that is Why you see it as a duty that Germany’s position stronger, “anti-racist and anti-fascist” to. “We want to show solidarity and unity with the demands of the pier and the Black Lives Matter movement.”

around 18 o’clock the cortege arrived at the Central University campus. There was to hear speeches by, among others, representatives of the Black Lives Matter movement in Fulda.

Our photographer, Carina Jirsch has captured the Demo in pictures. (ld)

*The contribution of “Fridays for the Future is on the streets: “climate and justice”,” will be published by Osthessen News. Contact with the executives here.

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