After twelve years, leaving father Soosai the parish Association and Neustift Freising. But when he can return to his homeland, India, is due to the Corona of a pandemic is uncertain.

Freising – Until his death, he says, he wanted to stay. Even as he came to Freising in Neustift in the Tradition of the Premonstratensians in the former monastery in the East of Freising to continue, it was the intent of Mariasoosai Arulandu, to leave after ten or twelve years Neustift again. Now it is so far: at the end of may, the 43-year-old priest from India by the parish Association and of Freising adopted.

father Soosai, when and from where they came to Freising?

On December 31. July 2008, I came as chaplain here, and with the Intercity from Rome.

“It is beautiful goods, rich in experience and fulfilling years”

is Now the parting seam. He falls hard for you?

Yes, this is not that easy. And even if it is my own decision was to leave Freising, reminds me of the goodbye harder, the closer the date gets.

What were the best experiences during their time in Neustift?

Nice was when I was allowed to take over in the year 2012, the Executive Board of the parish of St. Peter and Paul, and two years later, also of St. Martin, Marzling, St. Lawrence Haindl began and St. Michael Small came, from which 2014, the parish Association was founded. Together with the Pastoral assistants and the chaplain, also with the pastoral care volunteers, we have formed in these years, a good Team, the collaboration was beautiful. The climax, however, was certainly in the year 2017, the completion of the Church renovation in Neustift with the altar consecration by our cardinal. Eight years renovation had taken, and I am glad and proud to have this time and the end of the project witnessed. A nice experience was also, as of 2017, the parish of Neustift was 125 years old. It is beautiful goods, rich in experience and fulfilling years here.

How were the believers in Neustift? Were you well received?

these are all very, very friendly and lovable people. You it hurts, however, is that the parish is losing after my departure, the independence, that there is no Minister on site. Because there is no successor for me, now takes on Monsignor Peter Lederer as the head of new city Church, the parish Association of Neustift.

“is English really a difficult language”

was it difficult for you to learn English?

I had the three years previously in Italy where I learned Italian. And now I know: German is a difficult language really is. But learning it has given me joy. I like that you can Express yourself in English very accurate and precise.

you Had longing in your free singer time ever to India?

as I started almost twelve years ago, it was my intent that I do not wish to remain until my death here. It is now for pastors is also common that you switch after ten or twelve years the parish. So a Wind of change in the parishes, new ideas and new thoughts. And I think this is good for the Faith, good for the community and good for me.

The return journey to India “may take months”

And now it’s back in your native India?

Actually, that was my Plan. Whether it is possible for me, I don’t know yet. Blame the Corona pandemic. I signed up for the return programme of the Indian government, but if and when that works, I don’t know. The places will be allocated according to urgency. The can go very fast, but can take months. And because of the Corona-crisis, I can say good – bye, unfortunately, differently than planned – with a festival service of the faithful.

be allowed to stay as long as you are still in Neustift?

I’m moving away at the end of may, in any case, from here. Either it works with the flight to India and I will dwell in the Premonstratensian monastery Speinshart in pastures. With friends and good Acquaintances I’ve made here in Freising, I will remain in contact.

“bless God”: father Soosai has faith sparks sparks

twelve years Ago, Mariasoosai Arulandu, OPraem, is known as the father Soosai, to Neustift come. His departure now, he was able to celebrate due to the Corona-crisis only in stages. The took place at an evening service on the Thursday before a week of official adoption by the parish Association . The parish Association Council President Brigitte Knoepffler paid tribute to the Premonstratensian father, thanked him for his dedication and commitment as a parish administrator. He went with the believers to be a piece of your Faith journey. It was also important that the parishes retain their autonomy. In addition, had succeeded father Soosai very good, Bavarian traditions involved, he had not only the sheep’s heads is proof of this. The worshippers rose, finally, from their seats and gave long applause.

On Sunday the parish of St. Peter and Paul of the father Soosai said goodbye. Parish Council Chairman Bernhard Meindl spoke to him for his blessed Act, a heartfelt “God bless you”. He had marked an Era, and faith rekindled a spark that would continue in the people. Father Soosai himself once again stressed how comfortable he was in Freising felt. Surely he must also contend with difficulties, but that would be part of life. In addition, the positive experiences Far outweigh. The believers in Marzling in the parish Church of St. Martin already had on ascension day and on Sunday once again the opportunity to say goodbye to father Soosai.

news in the district of Freising

she was 18 years mayor of the city of Moosburg, but of the rest no question is more: Anita has been selected Meinelt, surprisingly, to the Vice-Chairman of the County Council. In this Interview, she explains how it came to be.

Now it has caught the Car-location of the district office Freising. An employee has been infected with the Coronavirus attached. The Numbers rise again.