For Ghizal Haseeb, it was an exciting day. You have listened on television, how almost 4000 kilometers away from their homes, this contract had been signed, she says. “It’s not just a few sheets of paper, that is, an agreement influenced the fate of the Afghan population,” the 23-year-old woman for sure.

In Doha, have shaken the American Diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad and the Taliban negotiator Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar on the weekend in a Hotel in its Hand. US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo was not present when they signed the agreement After more than eight-ten years of war in Afghanistan, the violence to end. The United States and in their Wake all the Western soldiers are obligated to leave under terms and conditions until the end of April 2021 the country. The Taliban insure that Afghanistan for terrorists, would not a safe retreat be more.

For Ghizal Haseeb, this day offers a new perspective on a life that is not characterized by uncertainty. Doha “could change everything,” she says. “I hope that this Deal brings us a comprehensive peace, and we no longer hear the sounds of fired bullets, not suicide attacks must experience. I want everyone to be able to go in Afghanistan without fear, to work or to school.” That fulfill their desires, is anything but certain. Because in Doha have negotiated one and a half years, only the United States and the Islamists. The Afghan government remained outside.

government at loggerheads

While the Americans emphasize that they would pair with your deduction about whether the Taliban kept to the agreements. So was supposed to start within ten days, the talks between the government of President Ashraf Ghani and the Taliban. However, no one can reliably forecast in advance whether a reconciliation between the Taliban and Kabul will succeed. So, Ghani’s spokesman does not want to speak of a historic day in Doha. He calls him “an important step in the direction of the peace process”.

Finally, there is in Afghanistan is also still no consensus between the political groups. Since the re-election of President Ghani, his former partner in government, Abdullah Abdullah, is convinced to be the vote having been deceived. Abdullah decided to set up a parallel government on the legs – unfavourable sign for a political bloc that opposes the Taliban in negotiations.

In Pakistan new

grouped by the political Chaos will be Ghizal Haseeb just do not spoil the mood. The student was born during the times of the Taliban regime, and she was still a small child, as the Osama Bin Laden of Afghanistan, the attacks on the USA on September 11. September 2001 orchestrated. Soon after, the American soldiers came into your country. They expelled the Taliban, and made Download hunting Am. The Taliban were able to regroup, however, from Pakistan, from new.

Donald Trump is stressing Proudly, he was the one to get the Mission in Afghanistan to end and the soldiers are finally home. The Taliban, for their part, present themselves as a grouping, the super power, the face and the foreign occupiers have led to a deduction.

Crucial for Afghan women as Ghizal Haseeb is the question of how it is now with your country is. The young woman in Kabul, business can study doctrine, would have been at the time of the Taliban regime unthinkable. “Will deal with the Taliban, the women like I used to?”, she asks. An answer no one has yet.

Created: 01.03.2020, 19:23 PM