More than twenty years that hong Kong refused to such an act, ten years that his people are demonstrating against anything that comes from the continent. Too, it is too much. This Thursday, burning all steps of the legal process, Beijing has, therefore, enacted by his people’s national Assembly (2 878 for, 1 against) to impose to the former british colony, a law on national security, which criminalisera secession, sedition, subversion, and ” terrorism “, both vague enough to not have to do it in the lace to crush dissent. By decree, on a schedule to express to an enactment, potentially as early as mid-July.

“This is a nuclear bomb,’ says Claudia Mo, a representative pro-democracy members of the legislative council of hong Kong. “They want our death. This is the last blow of the hammer in the coffin of the self. “Not embarrassing most of the rules assumed by the treaties of the handover, the central State, the chinese will, in fact, its text to the local law. “Any protester can be described as a terrorist “, summarizes Mb. “Those who have simply travelled to Washington will be accused of collusion with the foreigner. “A” punishment “for a quarter of a century of “disobedience” : “From their point of view, hong Kong would possess a soul-revolutionary “, discusses democrat. “But never to hong Kong would start a real revolution. Person in hong Kong has of the AK-47 nor does it wants to take power by force. The communist Party of exaggerating the scope of the events to criminalize them. In reality, Beijing is very worried about the possibility that our camp democrat can win the general elections in hong kong next September. They can’t afford it. So they decided to act quickly, to intimidate the opposition. “

Read also the First human tide in hong Kong against the law of national security


Of the most prominent figures of the protest have already been designated by the State media in china as objects of future prosecution, such as Jimmy Lai, a media baron and owner of the site Apple Daily, which has just opened a Twitter account especially for the occasion, retaining most of its shots against the central government. Other announced target, Joshua Wong, a former student leader, accused long-time collusion with the United States for having a campaign up on Capitol hill in favor of a penalty mechanism that Trump is now threatening to activate.

“We have always acted according to the law,” defends Wong Yik Mo, a member of Demosisto, a movement created by Joshua Wong. “We have never asked foreign powers to send troops. We just said to protect their interests. “The law should allow Beijing to establish officially its security services in the autonomous region. The public security of the central government has already announced that it stood ready to send his men. “The government of hong Kong has reserved a vast land near the detention centre of San Uk Ling, near the border with mainland China, which had been used in August 2019 for the arrested protesters,” suggests Wong Yik Mo. “This new field could be used for special bodies. “

But the political opposition is not the only one to worry about the bill. “Jumping the legislative council of hong Kong is a surprise “, said Tara Joseph, president of the american Chamber of commerce in hong Kong. “It adds elements of risk to the national security act. We really need to see the details of the law before saying that we don’t need to worry about. The announcement of this bill comes after a number of worrying issues for the international business community, which began several years ago, and have been highlighted by the extradition act proposed last year. We would just like to know what happens, so that we feel safe, and to continue to do business here. “

France “does not intend to interfere in the affairs of hong Kong”

in Addition to the legal risks are obvious, the 1,300 american companies established in hong Kong, also have to worry about retaliation, diplomatic and economic, that the White House intends to hire. Mike Pompeo, the secretary of State, has already declared that he considered that ” hong Kong no longer enjoys a high degree of autonomy from China “, condemning the trade benefits granted to the territory by the Americans, in particular, the exemptions of customs duties, strategic in the trade war. Trump should clarify its response in the day Friday. In a more symbolic manner, the United Kingdom and Taiwan have announced new facilities to accommodate hong Kong people who would choose the way of exile.

Read also the First human tide in hong Kong against the law of national security

Europe will remain her for the arms crossed ? Questioned Wednesday in committee in the Senate, Jean-Yves Le Drian said it is ” concerned “, recalling the joint declaration of the Union last week. The european foreign ministers will raise the issue again at the end of the day Friday, may 29. “The adoption of a legislation of national security is the domain of the government of the special administrative region of hong Kong, and, in consequence, should follow the legislative procedures in democratic established that apply to hong Kong,” says Virginia Beat-Henriksson, a spokesman for the foreign affairs at the european Commission. Beijing can rely on the divisions and the fear of compromising market : its ministry of foreign Affairs has welcomed a call from the diplomatic advisor to the Elysée, Emmanuel Good, that would have ensured the minister Wang Yi that France ” does not intend to interfere in the affairs of hong Kong “.

” Europe cannot and must not be silent “, hope, for its part, Jean-Maurice Ripert, former ambassador of France in China, now retired. “It is the freedom of a people and the future of democracy is at stake in hong Kong. And then the territory is very important for the Europeans, as a hub for financial trade relations with Europe. We must use the time before a drama to convince the Chinese that they are in the wrong. “He wants to believe in a third way between wash their hands in Pontius Pilate, and cut the bridges, flowing the place of hong Kong as a threat Trump to do so. “To adopt sanctions in precipitation would be a contradiction and diplomatic history. He must first do everything possible to convince the Chinese not to pass the act. And even if it had to happen, the sanctions will not suffice. It is not necessary to abandon the population of hong Kong. “

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Luc de Barochez – coronavirus reveals the defects of chinese power First human tide in hong Kong against the law of national security