a 20-minute teachers from ten County-driving schools have protested on Monday morning on the TÜV site – successfully. “The TÜV branch was not able to, theoretical tests, since the test chamber in Dachau was not up to the hygiene requirements,” complained Anton Kiemer from Odelzhausen. Barely half an hour long, the driving schools for the disabled the operation of the TÜV employees.

For the past two weeks, the driving schools after the Corona can form Lockdown, with the associated operating ban for driving students to the acquisition of the licence, however, in Dachau, there were problems: “many of The students have been trained, but were able to take the exam,” grumbled Anton Kiemer, who has eight driving instructor and the demonstration had been called. The reason is that the test-room TÜV Dachau is simply too small, the Distance requirements, in addition, it is given to the ventilation, said Vincenzo Lucà, press spokesman for the TÜV-Süd. “It is correct that no audit has taken place.” The TÜV have offered to the driving schools alternative test space in the environment, such as in the Munich-Garching or Munich. In addition, you have now found – just on the day of the protest, the driving schools – this is a temporary solution: The examinations are to be taken on Friday and Saturday in the office, since the minimum clearance can be maintained. In addition, the TÜV Kontakter have made to the city to find a room, “we are still in negotiations,” so Lucà. “For us it is also a difficult Situation.”

“for Us, nothing else is left, than to demonstrate against the monopolists of the TÜV”, defended Kiemer the unfamiliar hardness of the driving schools. On the other hand, he expressed that it is but for a city like Dachau, with around 50 000 inhabitants, an indictment would be to find no room for the theory exams. Kiemer complained: “Having no training can be completed, you need to drive the driving schools of your operation and your employees are driving instructor in short-time work send. All driving schools that have survived the great interruption, economically just, be left of the person in charge at TÜV in the lurch“.

Unfortunately, the Situation in the case of the practical tests was similar: several weeks of waiting, uncertainty in the driving schools whether auditors are sent; all the time, you should request the overmatched ladies in the Dachauer driving schools competent branch office in Murnau, in order to audit courses. One must bear in mind that there are many candidates, the existentially depend on your driving license, because you need to for your livelihood. The Truck driving schools Truck driver and bus driver, on behalf of the job centre and the AfA. These candidates were mostly unemployed and had the goal as quickly as possible, the driver training is complete, to be able to own income. “A few weeks ago, it was cocky that this training system are relevant,” underscore Kiemer.

a number of applicants for the tractor-driver’s license T, which would be urgently needed in the Farms, had to go in the queue. Don’t forget Kiemer want to fight back the volunteers at the volunteer fire, the need for the voluntary use of the driving license urgently.

the more the demonstrators were surprised a driving instructor ends, how quickly your morning Protest at the TÜV-Upper hearing has found. On the same day, at 18.30 o, learned one, that even on Saturday, 30. May, in the office of the TÜV-auditor back to theoretical driving tests can be carried out. “We try to react flexibly”, but it needs a bit of time,” says the TÜV spokesman. Five inspectors have to assess on Saturday time of 40 specimens was added. A further 40 can compete on the Friday after Pentecost also in the TÜV in Dachau for examination. The “purifying Storm” in the County-a driving instructor is so successful. Later on, as the location of the red cross hall in Dachau in the visor.