“The Federal government and the state of Brandenburg committed to investing in a future-oriented end of the Lausitz region, with new technologies,” said Minister of science, Manja Schüle (SPD) on Friday after a visit to the Rolls-Royce plant in Dahlewitz. The DLR and Rolls-Royce worked with the Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus-Senftenberg on alternative drive technologies. The Institute of the DLR in Cottbus is to be financed from the Federal budget of the structural strengthening in the Wake of the Coal phase-out. There are more than 100 employees are expected to conduct research to replace the classic aviation drive through a climate-friendly drive system. In the past year, the DLR Institute for low-CO2 industrial processes started already in the Lausitz.

The Minister referred to the act on the structural strengthening, the Bundestag decided and that the Federal Council would decide, as a milestone. “So we finally get planning, safety, science, research and culture in the Lausitz region to further advance,” said Schüle. Of Central importance is the innovation centre, University medical center of Cottbus, in the act of anchoring is for you. In it research, teaching, and care with the use of digitisation should be linked. At the same time the health care is to be modernised.
