” Sexually, those who are in couple will give heart to joy, but for others, it’s belt, I think. “Cross at Shibuya, the neighbourhood, young and crazy Tokyo, one of the two actors of the comedy duo Honeorizon, which is rampant on YouTube, sees the way of the intimate life in a Japan where, as elsewhere, the Covid-19 is involved. “It is clear that it is even less likely than before to meet each other, as each seeks to avoid the people he doesn’t know,” says the one who tries to attract attention in blackface Doraemon (a manga character loved by the children).

” Paradoxically, I have more discussed in recent times with people that I see usually ever, but online. It revived suddenly with friends who live far away, in this case, for me, buddies on the other side of the country where I come from, ” adds his friend. Those who live near, on the other hand, we get away from it…

These two young men have almost summarized the questions of the sociologist Masahiro Yamada of the university of Chuo, who wonders what will become of the intimate life of the Japanese in a world ” with the corona “, and after him.

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Known for having created the terms “konkatsu” (campaign for the wedding and for those who launch headlong in search of a partner to marry) and “parasite singles” (the Tanguy), professor Yamada is not very optimistic about the emotional life of her young compatriots. “The intimacy in the countries of East Asia in general and Japan in particular, is not expressed by the body [no kisses, no hugs], even in the family. “However, we do not hesitate to buy sex or intimacy, and god knows that there are places for this in Japan. And besides, “this can even happen physical space, it may be virtual,” continues the author of numerous books on the evolution of the family and of the relationship of the couple in his country. However, it is likely to be affected by the coronavirus, but in what sense, this is the problem. “The committee of experts, which advised the government at the time of the state of emergency was recommended to live differently by taking various precautions, but in their proposals, there was not a word about the romantic lives, sexual relations, the conjugal relations, in short, we are not told whether or not to avoid sexual activity. “

Then ? “With strangers, yes, of course. We must even refrain from their reply if they speak to us suddenly, but this, this is not new, generally before the corona that was already true “, slice Maya, a 25 year old who is discussing with a girlfriend in front of Shibuya station. The friend in question is in agreement with this attitude of a well-known professor Yamada. It avoids the encounters of the random (potentially dangerous), and we seek it through knowledge or matrimonial services the ideal husband – don’t waste your time with plans of a day, the one who wins at least 4 million yen (35 000 euros per year), more if possible, all in order to marry her.

“there is little of concubinage in Japan, most young people aspire to build a traditional home with a normal allocation of roles between the two,” insists the university. Since this becomes more complicated (because the good parties are reduced in number) and look for the or the joint ideal(e), more prosaically, “this is boring,” says Mr. Yamada, ” one relies on the sex dealer, virtual sex, intimacy, or imaginary with a be fetish [a starlet, a character intangible], or to a relationship of affection with a pet. The men, some of whom have never had a girlfriend, buy most particularly of the time intimacy in the hostess bars, the cafes maids, etc “. It is not necessarily about sex, but close at least. This trade made the beautiful days of various areas of Tokyo (Shinjuku or Ikebukuro for clubs to be hostesses and hosts).

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Akihabara, once a great electronics market, is now the kingdom of “maid cafés” and other establishments populated by very young girls, high school girls sometimes, that alpaguent the many men forlorn in the streets before the driving in of the rooms to the floors of the buildings around sometimes just to play games. A study conducted in the past year, nearly 6000 Japanese aged 20 to 39 years by professor Yamada shows that 16% of men using sexual services (less than 2 % for women). Is it that these benefits will attract more people because of the greater precariousness of employment of men (de facto, therefore, more difficult to marry) or on the contrary losing customers because they were perceived by the authorities as the worst places for the virus to spread ? This is the question the academic says it is for the moment unable to respond. But it is certain that the Covid-19 will leave marks. “I’m also curious to see the number of births in a few months “, he says.

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