India continues to count its dead and the new official figures published on Wednesday adds weight to seriously the human toll of the epidemic of coronavirus in the country. Thus, according to the publication of this new count, the total number of victims of the Covid-19 has now reached 11 903 victims. Either a balance sheet that has increased to 2 000 dead in a single day. This increase is partly due to a revision of the figures of the mortality in the city of Bombay, city most affected by the epidemic in India. It has therefore revised its balance sheet to increase by adding 832 dead on the balance sheet daily because of “failures” in the counting of his victims. For its part, the capital of this giant of South Asia, New Delhi, where the health situation is deteriorating, has reviewed its balance sheet at the higher of 400 deaths in the past 24 hours.

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The previous day, the official death toll from the virus was in India for 9 900. This count is found to be under-estimated, but still far short of the staggering human nations of western Europe or the United States. Faced with an economy weakened, the Prime minister Narendra Modi has widely lifted at the beginning of the month the containment draconian, imposed at the end of march to the 1.3 billion Indians in order to curb the spread of the disease Covid-19. Some restrictions remain in place.

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But the déconfinement be done while the epidemic still shows no sign of reflux in India, which now saves about 11 000 new cases are confirmed per day and has identified a total of approximately 354 065. In the Face of the virulence of the health crisis, the Tamil Nadu (south), one of the States most battered with Delhi and Maharashtra, has ordered the reconfinement of the agglomeration of the regional capital Chennai during the second fortnight of June. The experts believe that the peak of the epidemic will not be achieved until several weeks in India, where the health system is already overwhelmed by the influx of patients to the virus.

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