After the Corona-break may open mountain huts in the Alps again. However, there are certain rules – a challenge for hosts and guests.

After the Corona*break allowed to open mountain huts again. But also there are distance rules and hygiene concepts apply. This puts the hosts in front of challenges. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus, and the Corona-News from Bavaria. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in the free state. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures.
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It’s high season for hikers – actually. Because the Start was for many mountain paths and mountain huts in the Alps due to the Corona pandemic sluggish. The Corona restrictions and the bad weather made it the Lodge hosts difficult, such as the Bavarian radio (BR) is reported.

mountain huts are open to the Corona-break: spacing rules and the concept of Hygiene apply

Normally, the schneibstein house would have been in the Berchtesgaden Alps in early may, already opened. By the Corona-crisis the launch has moved, however, on the day of Pentecost. Until then there is still much to do for a hut Keeper Stefan Lienbacher , for what arrangements he has to make, was not at all clear.

Also in the Alps can be considered distances . The use of the mattress store and community Laundry rooms – in-Corona-times is only possible to a limited extent. Employees of the German Alpine club (DAV) help to remodel the hosts with a concept of Hygiene , as their huts, to keep the risk of infection as low as possible. As the BR reported, you hope, with dividers to get as many places as possible.

To the Corona-break: New rules for mountain huts and overnight guests

during the preparation time in may, it became clear that it is not sufficient of sleep to separate places by sheets of plywood. Because according to a new default, are only allowed to stay two house stands in a warehouse. Most of the beds have to remain empty. Spontaneous Nights will no longer be able to for the time being, probably. Guests need to book in advance your seats, because the hosts be able to plan exactly who is allowed to where to sleep in order to maintain the distance.

“It will be much quieter. Everyone who comes says probably. But there are also many will be disappointed, simply because there is no space and because you can’t show up without a reservation at all,“ says Monika Schell Moser, hostess of the Wasseralm in the Berchtesgaden Alps, opposite the BR. For the guests there is a further change: you must bring your sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets even. Even Laundry rooms can only be used by very restricted, are allowed to take a shower. In addition, a mask obligatory* in the tabernacle, except at the tables during the catering is.

Corona-the rules on refuges: “I hope as the understanding of the guests”

“I hope on understanding from the guests. We can’t send behind each a Minder afterwards,“ said Stefan Lienbacher, hut the host from the schneibstein house in the Berchtesgaden Alps, opposite the BR.

The border tourism was missing from the huts, because normally, you will benefit from tourists from both countries. However, the limits for tourists until the beginning of June, not passable. A few minutes from the schneibstein the house of the Carl-von-Stahl-Haus is located on the Austrian side. The hut was fully booked on Pentecost actually. The German guests had to cancel again, as it was clear that the border remains closed.

Corona-the rules on mountain huts in the Alps: a Financial challenge for owners

This is all for the Lodge hosts a financial challenge . In addition, the use of additional equipment, such as masks, disinfectant and label is expensive. In order for the investment to pay off, you need to guests arrive.

the Beds are due to the requirements just. Lenz Köppl from the national Park Berchtesgaden is concerned that could worsen the negative development of the past few years. After all, who gets no place in a hut, camp may be wild in the mountains and leaves behind garbage. Therefore, there are now signs in the Hiking area: “If people are not allowed to spend the night at the hut, you will be with a tent and sleeping bag. I’ve cleaned up last year, only space for one tent: twenty kilos of waste, with tents, canned goods, underwear,“ says Köppl compared to the BR.

The Watzmann house is one of the most popular mountain huts in Bavaria. The Alpine club wants to renew a part of it. But conservationists sued, and now again right.

schneibstein house after Corona-Pause open again: a Big rush remains aut

For Saturday the schneibstein house has re-opened for guests. The great rush , but failed to materialize. Nevertheless, many hikers, according to BR in the Berchtesgaden Alps. The new rules are unfamiliar, the Wanderer show understanding. Also caretaker Stefan Lienbacher is satisfied, for its guests is clear that you get only with the restrictions, the possibility of Hiking.

the DAV on its website tips. A hut visit should not be scheduled on a hike is mandatory: “When you look at, for example, that the guests already have a snake, or none of the marked places is free, you can catch up on the hut, visit, Yes, another Time.” DAV-Vice President Roland Stierle advises, therefore, enough drinks and food to take with you. “Free is still a place on the mountain hut, you can do it, of course, comfortable.”

check out this post on Instagram to

What note need to day and overnight guests now in a hut, visit? The Bavarian radio has made a contribution to this. The Link can be found in our profile.

A post shared by the German Alpine Association e. V. (DAV@German Alpine club) on Jun 3, 2020 12:37 PM PDT

The Königssee lake-water case is an Instagram Hotspot, but there was already serious accidents. Now a Influencerin risked their lives. The Berchtesgaden national Park, that’s it!*

Edmund Stoiber spoke in an Interview with on the impact of the Coronavirus in Bavaria.

For a week the mountain may huts in Bavaria after the Lockdown again overnight guests receive. Sounds good, but the reality is different: Many of the huts-hosts despair of the severe Corona conditions*.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network