Italy would be on the way of the remission of sins ? Nearly three weeks after the beginning of the déconfinement the alps, the curve of the contagion has to reassure the country. “The data show how the measures implemented have worked, even in areas where virus circulation was higher “, stressed at the end of the week, Silvio Brusaferro, the president of the higher Institute of health-Italian. Also very auspicious, the number of patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit spent this weekend in the bar of the 600, a level never reached since the 7th march last.

optimism that the world does not share in the Peninsula. The Foundation Gimbe (specialised in health issues) is particularly concerned about the decline of the tests carried out, during the ” phase 2 “, in nearly half of the regions of Italy compared to the initial weeks of the health crisis. “The number of new cases is directly influenced by the number of samples taken by the regions, which, for some, is reticent on this topic,” said in an interview with the president of the foundation, Nino Cartabellotta. Why ? “Probably because of the fear of not admitted to see the new diagnostics too increase, which would require them to apply restrictive measures,” continues the doctor.

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contamination in the workplace rising

Other indicator that is worrisome to the age of the déconfinement : the contamination at the place of work continuing to rise across the country. Italy would be in effect 6 000 new cases (the majority of employees in the health sector and socio-health), including a quarantine of death, just for the two weeks of may, according to data from the national Institute for insurance against accidents at work (Inail)

But the choice of the recovery of the activity is a ” calculated risk that we must accept “, again recalled before the deputies the chairman of the Board, Giuseppe Conte. The confinement could not continue without threatening “irreparably damage the fabric of productive and social,” stressed the head of the executive. It is thus that, under the pressure of the presidents of the region, the Italian government has made a new step towards the “return to normal” by allowing the re-opening as soon as the may 18 – with more than two weeks ahead of the previous timetable – bars and restaurants in the country.

Read also Italy : “Sell-be it a coffee, this is better than nothing”

For this sector that is particularly plagued by the containment (one-third of the shops may close permanently, according to the firm Bain & Company), the recovery is half-hearted. Indeed, if in the peripheral neighborhoods of the major cities in italy the activity has resumed, slowly, but surely, in the historical centres, on the other hand, many institutions have preferred to delay the time of the reopening. And in Rome, a restaurant, four would not have yet raised the curtain, waiting for first a hypothetical recovery of tourist arrivals – vital for their cash drawer – from the month of June.

cold Sweat

A reopening of the bars this week which has also given a few cold sweats to the government. Impossible to forget these days the images of some of the terraces, and public squares taken over, often in defiance of the rules of safety and hygiene. On the side of the executive, we saw red : “In this phase, more than ever, the respect of safety distances and, where appropriate, the use of masks remain fundamental. This is not the time of the festivals, the nightlife and gatherings “, was in the midst, and Giuseppe Conte.

Anger shared by many local elected officials, forced to take action. So, after a Friday too lively, the mayor of Brescia (one of the cities most ravaged by the Covid-19) is preferred to close off access to the main square of the “Lioness of Italy” evening of the weekend. The president of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, has promised to examine closely the curve of contamination : “If they increase, we will close the bars, the restaurants, the beaches, and we resume the us closing on the house,” threatened he.

Read also Coronavirus : the long and silent ordeal of Brescia

Another missed which has not escaped the Peninsula at the turn of the “phase 2” : the lack of protective equipment for individuals. According to a survey by the Institute of research on the consumption, the famous surgical masks price blocked – 50 cents – promised by the government, would only be available in less than one point-of-sale on both. One in seven when it comes to looking for latex gloves. “The data that emerge are bleak,” the report said.

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Bureaucracies of the world, unite !