Due to the Coronavirus members of a large family in Lengdorf (Lkr. Erding) under quarantine. At least eleven are infected with Covid-19. Lengdorf is now a Corona-Hotspot.

A visit from franc had a large family in Lengdorf serious consequences. The woman is considered to be Superspreaderin. There are at least eleven new infections. Now dozens of people are already under quarantine. Even more local stories in our weekly regions-Newsletter for Erding or in our App.

Lengdorf/Erding – The fears of the health office Erding have been confirmed: The spread with the Sars-CoV-2 Virus infected woman from the upper Franconian district of Lichtenfels, who has visited the beginning of June, a multi-family house in the municipality of Lengdorf, the lung disease significantly. Lengdorf is a local Corona-Hotspot , the upper Eva is regarded as a so-called Superspreaderin. Recently, an Infected infected an average of only one other Person.

Eleven contact persons have been tested by Thursday afternoon positive, reported authorities spokesperson Daniela Fritzen. The number could continue to rise, the health Department is looking with high pressure, more people, to which the lichtenfel serine contact. 48 could be determined.

Corona-Hotspot in upper Bavaria: Superspreaderin infected large family

As reported, life in the Lengdorfer multi-family house, resulted in the outbreak, 23 people, including 15 children. In St. Wolfgang, the four family members at home. On request of our newspaper guy tells you that it is a big family hold for several house in both places handle. You spoke of a “vast the family visit ” the lichtenfel serine in the Whitsun holidays.

+ you have lots of Corona cases in the communities. The value for Lengdorf rose on Thursday to eight new infections. ©Landratsamt Erding

From the Infected eight out of Lengdorf and three from St. Wolfgang. The entire family was tested. 16 are spared. Still can’t tell if the woman also has is people outside the family, or whether, in the meantime, for more infections responsible.

read: , In the district of Erding, there is a danger that a woman has infected several people with the Coronavirus attached. Now all residents of an apartment building in quarantine must.

big family under quarantine: a visitor brings Coronavirus to Lengdorf

The large family is now under strict domestic quarantine . “This decision was taken in the interest of an effective defense of unmanageably risk of Infection , after the individual intensity of Contact could not be reconstructed,” says Fritzen. The additional personnel support in the area of the contact persons investigation in the spaces of the Erdinger Stadthalle, proved to be the. With all the already known contacts, you have already spoken.

The list will be continually “added to all those persons with whom the Infected closer contact. Are affected several households that are connected to each other in the connection “, the authorities spokesperson.

Erding-Newsletter: Everything from your Region! Our brand-new Erding-Newsletter informs you regularly about all the important stories from the Region of Erding, including all the latest news on Corona-crisis in your community. Log here .

To the Corona outbreak in Lengdorf. Authorities turn police to support a

it is reported that, in view of the Dimension of the infection as a precautionary measure, the police also turned on had been. The supply was secured, among other things, by volunteers, which provide the Partitioned food. The Department of health standing there in an Advisory capacity and have made the contacts, so Fritzen.

Overall, the health office by twelve on Thursday known infections. So many of them, like for weeks, not more. Until Wednesday, had been reported 13 days of no new infection. In addition to the new cases coming out of the mountain of learning, and ought not to stand in connection with the extended family. Thus, the Seven-day incidence increases to 9.3 per 100 000 inhabitants. A total of 630 citizens to Sars since mid-March-CoV-2 ill.

On Thursday reported another Genesener. The number of acute increases Ill on 16. At the Central Screening yesterday, 13 smears were taken. A total of 5611 Tests were since carried out.

district administrator Martin Bayer, storfer will occur on the Friday before the press to talk about the development of this case. In addition, he will have to pull the three-month work of the civil protection balance sheet.

Christian Drosten, a virologist at Berlin’s Charite hospital, has spoken in his Podcast “the Coronavirus Update” about the new Warning App, and impending school openings. Giant eruptions in the autumn of threatening to “”? Drosten calls already now the measures against the second wave. Meanwhile, the Bundesliga clubs help to support the dissemination of the Software.

section list image:©Hans Moritz