Corona-Chaos in Germany: The countries are impatient – the Chancellor is, apparently. But the suits is great. An Analysis.

On the way out of the Corona-Lockdown* the States are “impatient” – a new agreement is already full of holes. Chancellor Angela Merkel no longer wants to interfere now. Even the Prime Minister does not speak for the time being with each other. An expert warns of “speechlessness” in the Corona-crisis – also from Munich, Unusual is heard.

Berlin/München – There was a time when German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) of Parts of the German Public to the nickname “Mutti” was suppressed. Sometimes, with some degree of respect, often disrespectfully. This habit has died down over the past few years, quietly – but just now, in the middle of the Corona-crisis , you might feel in a strange way back to this (Un-)word is remembered.

seems to become on Tuesday that the head of government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Prime Minister in terms of Corona-measures can not be agreed. And that Merkel no longer wants to even attempt to bring this crucial issue to a line in the state and local politics.

was not that Merkel do that to the since months again and again, escalating the dispute “” want to. A sentence that could entfahren quite exasperated parents in the Corona-Lockdown . Another noteworthy came on Tuesday Markus Söder on the lips Bavarian Prime Minister called for leadership from the Central office…

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it is Clear: The obviously unhappy situation, might have a greater impact than a possible relapse into old habits of speech. The pandemic – emphasize all of the protagonists to the stresses easing consent to the Thuringian state chief Bodo Ramelow is not over yet for a long time. But a common approach is that it is just as soon well.

According to data from Baden-württemberg Green Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann the further procedure is now the sole responsibility of the Federal States and its counties. There are no further conferences were planned”, neither the Chancellor nor Mr Söder,” he explained on Tuesday for lunch with views of Merkel and Söder (CSU).

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Even the Prime Minister among themselves, no longer want to confer. Söder considers as acting chief of the Prime Minister conference , such a round is not appropriate: Currently not succeeded once to reach at the level of the state Chancellery, the heads of agreement on the Anti-Corona-fight, he said.

damage As the reason for the problems of CSU-Chef see also “ race to the top” of the länder – the have the stuff, the confidence of the citizens in the policy. Söder criticized on Tuesday indiscretions among the Federal States. Now> my information from the round the heads of the state chancelleries would have been <strong current sessions to the media.

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complaining about the Situation, but also critique would not have to wait long. At almost the same time with the kretschmanns announcement of the political scientist Karl-Rudolf Korte in the ZDF”Mittagsmagazin” speech and answer. “As good as it sounds, to take into account the regional diversity, can then also act accordingly, just as you can say, ‘here is a Central announcement’ is missing”, said he.

Korte also objected to a “strategic silence”. “Which direction do we give to the rescue?”, he asked, “this is actually what you could from the Federal government specify”. In the current situation the actions of the Federal government – and, ultimately, to the Chancellor – but not just “speechless”, “but not much more controlled action”. At the same time, the political scientist understanding for Merkel : “The Moderation of impatience is very hard.”

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Even the “convinced federalist” Söder, a guideline from Berlin seemed to have been on Tuesday to miss. “Honestly, I think it would be better if the Federal government had more legally binding normative force, as is the case now,” said Söder after a Cabinet meeting . At this point, a stronger leadership of the Federal “very useful” – morally, but also legally, said the CSU leader. Presenting itself once more with his own plans.

And also the more likely for the views of the pure Infections known SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach showed unhappy with the development. It would be unwise, “the Federal government in pandemic management off. We leave the path, to which we owe our success.“ In terms of the App, school openings, masks* and distance is a good solution for all is rules, “scientifically justified,” right. The debate threatens to escalate, experienced Lauterbach meanwhile, even in the Form of a threat.

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It seems, however, as the Prime Minister in their “impatience” is now without leadership from the Chancellery, or “maternal” leadership – would have to do. Whether an already suggestive patchwork instigated in the case of the Corona-measures “only” confusion in the population, or even success in the pandemic-fighting nullify, it remains to be seen.

However, you can take it from a totally different perspective – so, as Bodo Ramelow. The Thuringian Prime Minister, provides for the protection against infection, as a highly personal task for every citizen – “there is help me, no government and no police ,” said Ramelow. That is the task of whoever she is now, is a large, stressed Söder: “Corona remains lethal,” he said.

fn (with Material from dpa and AFP)

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