there will be a player of choice at the table the next round of negotiations post-Brexit between the european Union and the United Kingdom. Boris Johnson will participate personally in the discussions to try to find a trade agreement with Brussels from 1 June, said on Wednesday the negotiator columbia, David Frost. “The two parties expect that [the negotiations] will take place at the level of leaders. That is why, yes, the Prime minister will participate, ” said David Frost in front of the mp.

A new round of negotiations had not succeeded, in mid-may, to make progress towards the conclusion of an agreement that should determine the business relationship between the Uk and the EU after Brexit, which occurred at the end of January. A transition period is planned until the end of December to try to find a middle ground. The talks are to resume on 1 June and any extension of this transitional period, during which London must continue to apply the eu rules without having a voice in the chapter, must be requested before the 1st of July.

Read also Gérard Araud – Advocacy for the United Kingdom

“We will not transition period”

But London is adamant : no issue of extending the negotiations beyond the end of December, at the risk of “no deal, “” potentially devastating for the economy. “The government’s policy is that we will not have the transition period “, and this is a position of “farm,” insisted David Frost, interviewed by videoconference. “I think we have always attached great importance to the economic and political freedom at the end of this year and to avoid to continue to make substantial payments to the eu budget “, he added. “And of course, this will be achieved by putting an end to the transition period at the end of the year. “

Read also Brexit : Boris Johnson, or the strategy of standing still

These statements came as the european negotiator, Michel Barnier, said he is “open” to a report, in a letter to the leaders of opposition parties, the british, who had pleaded with him for a two-year extension of the transition. In the absence of agreement and of extension, the exchanges between the two countries would be governed by the rules of the world trade Organization (WTO), erecting brutally new trade barriers and causing significant costs to the importing companies of the two sides, and delays at the border.

To avoid such a scenario, Brussels offers an agreement without customs duties or quota in exchange of concessions that are deemed unacceptable by London, including an alignment on certain european standards, and broad access to british waters to european fishermen.

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Post-Brexit : the voices of Boris Johnson