After the crises following the incident at the residence of the ambassador of mexico in The Peace, the Government of Jeanine Añez has assured that “Bolivia wants to overcome this impasse as soon as possible and maintain close relations with the Kingdom of Spain, in the framework of the traditional respect and friendship that have always characterized”. The foreign ministry has announced, in addition, be credited in Madrid to a “high diplomatic representative”.

The announcement came after a meeting between representatives of the Executive of bolivia, and a delegation of the European Union in Bolivia. The legation european suggested, in a press release published on the 31st of December, that the Government of Añez had sobreactuado to expel two diplomats spaniards in the country for the incident in the residence of the ambassador of mexico in The Peace, happened four days before.

The statement noted that the expulsion of diplomats “is an extreme measure and inamistosa that should be reserved for situations of extreme gravity” and expressed the “firm hope that this situation is overcome with haste”.

At the meeting present was the Foreign minister of bolivia, Arturo Murillo, and diplomats from Germany, France, Denmark and the European Union. “The minister Arturo Murillo ( … ), gave details on determination of declaring persons non grata representatives of Spain and Mexico. Complete information of a determination worthy of the Government,” he explained hours after the bolivian foreign ministry in a message on Twitter.

The answer conciliatory of Bolivia contrasts with the harsh statements of the foreign ministry and members of the ruling party after the events of the past day 27. Then, the responsible for the Spanish Business, Cristina Borreguero, and the consul in La Paz, Alvaro Fernandez, came together with their bodyguards to the residence of the ambassador of mexico in The Peace, in what diplomats Spanish claim that it was a courtesy visit and that sources from bolivia, called an “operation” to remove the former minister of the Presidency and the strong man of the previous Government, Juan Ramon Quintana, of the legation. In total, nine former senior officials of the Movement to Socialism are sheltered in the residence of mexico. The Ministry of Foreign affairs Spanish denied “categorically” the allegations, although he has opened an official investigation into the incident, which has not yet been completed.

While he spent the visit of the diplomats, spaniards, neighbors of the urbanization in which is located the residence mexican faced the bodyguards that were waiting next to the car. The neighbors feared that the cars of diplomats would serve to evacuate the excolaboradores of Evo Morales, faced serious accusations on the part of the current bolivian government. The bodyguard Spanish, who were members of the Special Group of Operations, they covered the faces to avoid being photographed, and left the place. The neighbors went to the network a few videos about what happened, claiming that spaniards were “hooded”, they were armed and, therefore, had aborted a rescue attempt. The bolivian Government gave birth to this version and announced that it would issue an international outcry. Several politicians demanded sanctions against the “interventionism Spanish”, in an escalation that finished off in the expulsion of the diplomats.