The schedule is: From 14. In June, the first Lint to be trains with passengers to be in the Oberland. On Monday, the start signal for the fleet exchange fell officially.

County/wooden churches – There are not the conditions that politicians wish for such an occasion. Instead of sunshine and relaxed atmosphere, Mr terrain mask duty, and distance, bid on the holzkirchner railway station. And as to the bizarre Scenery of walls are still to strong rain to the uncomfortable gusts of wind later, even easier. Since you are happy that the ceremony runs according to schedule, and the train is on time.

The first nine trains per day travelling from 14. June

The train, which is on this Monday morning, the new Coradia Lint 54 from the manufacturer Alstom, the from 14. June replaced in nine copies of the first, the old Talent-trains of the Bayerische Oberlandbahn (BOB). Until the end of August gradually come to 16 more on exchange to the failure-prone integrals. “In spite of the Corona, we can look forward”, says Minister of transport, Kerstin Schreyer (CSU) at the small lectern on Track 1. The Fleet replacement, the you start today, officially, contribute to a more stable and better movement of trains in the Bernese Oberland. With the low-emission, fuel-efficient and quieter Diesel trains could bypass the time until the electrification of the tracks.

buffer at the Munich Central station

state President and voting circle Deputy Ilse Aigner (CSU), which had the fleet exchange in your time as Minister of transport with pushed, the focus is on the six additional trains, which then reinforce the new fleet. “They are for the stability of the roadmap is particularly important,” says Aigner, on this “day of rejoicing”. Why, explained in her welcome address Bärbel Fox, Co-managing Director of the Bavarian railway company (BEG): The additional trains are prepared to serve as a buffer in the Munich train station and can also start on time, if the return from the Oberland is delayed. Regardless of the new vehicles, promises you’ll BEG on the Ball. The company plans, finances and controls on behalf of the state of the Regional and S-Bahn in Bavaria. Fuchs: “If in the coming years, the infrastructure is upgraded, we will use any leeway to make the offer of quality in the uplands in the best possible way.” Target a 30-minutes-clock is long-term.

Transdev hopes to have a follow-up order after 2026

it Goes to Tobias Heinemann, will play the BOB in the future considerations continue to be an important role. The managing Director of the parent company, Transdev hopes that his company will be permitted to operate routes from 2026 onwards for a further 20 years on the railway. “The Oberland is close to our heart,” he says. “During a traffic contract, the vehicles exchange, is very unusual.” The old vehicles were encountered in spite of the many stabilisation measures, in the meantime, however, their limits, Around 100 million euros can Transdev fleet exchange costs.

“An entirely new mobility experience”

the new Lint to the touch, the experience of the guests of honor followed by a special trip to Schaftlach and back yourself. To be in with the new, comfortable trains now actually in the Oberland, is for Fabian Amini is a great Moment.The failure-prone predecessor, the BOB, the managing Director of many sleepless nights. The operation, it blocks excessive expectations, pangs in the next few months, of course, in the first place. The full impact force will unfold the new fleet at the earliest as from the timetable change in December. But Amini promises earlier: “An entirely new mobility experience.”

also read: “battery trains is not an Option”