duct tape and disinfectant spray in the focus: The last preparations for the commissioning of the Bavarian Zugspitze railway are been accompanied on Friday by a media frenzy. From now on nature must travel lovers on the Zugspitze, subject to conditions, of course. What you need to know guests well.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – The E-Mail of Verena Lothes is full. Also the phone does not stand in the last days and weeks of breastfeeding. How many requests at the press spokeswoman of the Bavarian Zugspitze railway from media houses from all over the world, no longer knows you. The question was always the same: “when will you be back?”

Accordingly, the rush is on Friday morning in front of the valley station of the cable car. Lothes welcomed camera crews from ARD, ZDF, RTL, BR, numerous photographers and print journalists – the media contingent is huge. On a list, checks off the names of all the announced Reporter. For Reasons Of Safety. Finally, this press event is being held in the corona-related conditions. The photographer to press hard on the shutter button, as Thomas Hector attaching with tape the distance markers. Or as Stefan Elsner, the cabin is disinfected. Probably no one has believed a few months ago that adhesive tape and disinfectant could be placed in the center of the coverage.

Bavarian Zugspitze cable car: Only 40 instead of 120 people in the cabin

This is a small test run for the rush of guests who will be driving this Saturday from 8.30 PM, again on Germany’s highest mountain. 40 people instead of the usual 120 seats in the cable car cabin. In the gear train 140 people maximum capacity. Whether it will come at the Whitsun week-end to a rush, does not dare to Matthias Stauch to predict yet. “We don’t know,” says the management Board of Bayerische Zugspitzbahn.

But even if only a third of the usual volume of visitors driving to the mountain, they must be controlled, directed. A maximum of 2500 guests are allowed on the Zugspitze. That it can come to longer waiting times, admits compression. Therefore, guests will be pointed out in connection with the journey by means of five information signs on the utilization of the Zugspitzbahn and, where appropriate, other mountain are redirected. A concept that already in 2017, has worked well, as a master in the construction of the cable car, similar challenges were.

Bayerische Zugspitzbahn: mask duty in confined spaces, Visitor management in the valley and on the summit

from The Parking lot to the tourists and excursionists, with a safety distance to the gondola will be conducted. In closed rooms and in the cable car and cog – wheel cabins mask are compulsory. In the Restaurant, about 170 can find instead of the usual 400 guests. The same rules as for the catering industry in the valley apply. The requirements are high. Therefore, Stauch and his Team hope to reason.

compression is not happy about it, that it goes off after a two-month break. The BZB was not forced to take government emergency aid or loans. “Our savings book was well-filled.” The money came from the Reserve. Some of the planned investment will defer compression, however. The past eight weeks, took advantage of the BZB to renew, among other things, tracks or the snow depot prepare for the winter season.

The employees will resume as of today, all of their work, after they had been sent in short-time work. Alone in the gastro area of almost 100 people work. “You now have the good sense to work in a crisis the safe operation,” says Outlet Manager Hannes Berkmann. This also affects the demand Had to be searched before any of the crisis always desperately to personnel, accumulate now, the applications.