Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI in Bavaria. The surprise visit has a tragic Background.

The former Pope Benedict XVI Benedict . is to visit in Bavaria. Benedict has travelled to the Vatican-information to Regensburg*. The reason for the visit, however, is tragic (see the Update from 18. June, 20.44 PM).

Update from 19. June, 6.59 PM: After Pope Benedict was, surprisingly, arrived in Regensburg, it remains unclear how long he remains in the Cathedral city. The 93-Year-old had travelled on the Thursday, apparently, to Bavaria, to visit his three years older brother Georg. His state of health had deteriorated, informed the Vatican and the diocese of Regensburg.

hope on a public appearance of the Emeritus Pope there is hardly. The diocese stressed that it was a purely private visit. It is the “heart’s desire” was one of the two brothers to see in this life again.

lives in The street, in the Georg Ratzinger, the longtime head of the world-famous Regensburger Domspatzen , has been cordoned off by the police strictly. It is therefore hardly possible to catch a view of the resigned, Pontiff . During his stay, Benedict in the Regensburg Seminary lives. For lunch, there was Fusilli with goulash, like Neck said.

Pope Benedict XVI surprisingly, in Bavaria: the Tragic reason – “maybe the last Time …”

Update from 18. June, 20.44 clock: Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI traveled on Thursday, surprisingly to Bavaria. The sad occasion: He wants to visit his brother Georg in Regensburg, whose health condition has deteriorated, according to the diocese of Regensburg.

Now the first pictures of the arrival of the 93-year-old former Pope have been made public. The Pope looks physically weak. Be private Secretary Georg Gänswein confirmed this assessment, adding, however, that Benedict was mentally fit. In addition, it is to recognize that Benedict is pushed to its arrival at the airport in Munich from a staff of the Malteser relief service in a wheelchair in a vehicle that resembles an ambulance.

in Addition, it had come early in the afternoon, a first Meeting between the former Pope and his brother, writes the image. Sister Christina with the words: “It was a nice visit. Both have quoted very happy“,.

+ Benedict XVI is visiting his sick brother in Regensburg.©dpa / Armin Weigel

Pope Benedict XVI surprisingly, in Bavaria: the Tragic reason – “maybe the last Time …”

first message from the 18. June:

Regensburg – Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI* is currently in Bayern . The Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced on Thursday rather surprising. Benedict visited, therefore, in Regensburg, Germany,* its sick brother Georg Ratzinger . The decision to trip, Benedict met according to katholisch.de in the short term, and after consultation with Pope Francis .

Pope Benedict XVI. in Bavaria: the reason for the trip

The former Pope is tragic is back in his Bavarian homeland. It is the first Time since his resignation in 2013 , the now 93-year-old Benedict is back. For it to come true actually, a heart’s desire*, as he had last said. However, the current reason for the trip is rather tragic.

“It is, perhaps, the last Time that the two brothers, Georg and Josef Ratzinger, to see in this world” , said Clemens Neck, spokesman for the diocese of Regensburg. To his brother George Benedict maintained a very close relationship.

Pope Benedict XVI. in Bavaria: the diocese of Regensburg has> to the Public

the Chairman of The German bishops ‘ conference, Georg Bätzing </strong said: "We are pleased to that he who has listened to our Bishop's conference some years, came into the home, even if the occasion is a sad one.“ The Pope Emeritus wanted to be his brother, whose health condition has got worse. Therefore, the diocese of Regensburg asks to leave the Public with the “deeply personal encounter in the private room”.

Pope Benedict XVI in Regensburg: There is still no return date to Rome

Benedict flew accordingly, on Thursday morning, accompanied by his Secretary, Archbishop Gänswein, his doctor, his nurse and a nun from Rome to Bavaria to visit his 96-year-old brother. The former Pope ended up, according to katholisch.de at 11: 45 in Munich. At Munich airport* the Regensburg Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer, welcomed him and accompanied him on the journey to Regensburg. A return date is not fixed, therefore, currently still.

Benedict itself is physically weak, but according to the statements of his private Secretary, Georg Gänswein mentally fit.


*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.