The IG Metall is demanding in the Corona-crisis, stimulus package car purchase premium. The already tense Situation in the metal and electrical industry is exacerbated by the Pandemic, said Jörg Köhlinger, head of the district center, on Friday in the Hessian Volkswagen plant in Baunatal: “We find ourselves in a crucial Situation again.” Either you can do it, from Deep to get out, or back in the case. In the Union district of 300 000 Employees were working short-time or are threatened by short-time work. Particularly automotive and automotive supply companies, mechanical and steel industry were affected.

The IG Metall district in the middle of Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Thuringia includes. 260 0000 in the automotive and supplier industry employees, including related sectors, there are two million Jobs. According to the Union, a purchase premium for cars – advanced combustion and alternative engines – should therefore be part of the economic stimulus package, the Federal government on Tuesday wants to deal with.

such A premium would also have to pay the share of the manufacturer, a secure employment and a contribution to social-ecological Transformation of the economy. As the sum Köhlinger called 3000 euros plus 3,000 euros from the manufacturer’s side. The trade unionists criticized the lack of political support for a purchase premium, he mentioned explicitly the Hessian state government.

looks Like the Situation in the company, showed the trade Union and the Volkswagen works Council at the example of the VW plant in Baunatal. 5000 to 16 500 employees after the Shutdown and again at their places of work. This, however, changed: In the area of E-traction – the drive manufacture for the models E-Golf and e-Up work, distributed over several layers 200 people, about two-thirds of the previous occupation. The number of items produced deck at 80 percent of the normal value.

According to Volkswagen, each job was examined for sanitary conditions. In the case of choke points and staircases one-way rules apply, sneeze guard walls were installed, the number of persons at workplaces is reduced. Briefings in gear only to find in small Teams instead, with the distance marker on the ground. A mask of duty there is only, if the minimum distances cannot be respected to other people. Reinfection in the factory had not yet been demonstrated.

“If someone is infected with Corona, then, is not here to work,” said Carsten Bätzold, Chairman of the works Council at the VW plant in Baunatal. Ensure the slump in demand, it is preparing him for a “dramatic Situation”. Victims of the recession could be in the next few months, Hundreds of Jobs of contract workers and temporary workers. Bätzold called for a “significant economic impulse for the economy to pick up again and the workers have a perspective at Volkswagen and at the site”.
