A host in Augsburg, Germany, did not understand that he should close down due to Corona 20 PM. A court gave him right. The decision has implications for all the Restaurants?

Again, a court in Bavaria, has objected to the Corona*restrictions. In Augsburg* , a restaurateur against the 20-PM had complained that it had control. The court gave him right. This has now effects on other economies?

Update from the 29. May, 14.58 PM: of Bavaria beer host may gardens from now until 22.00 at guests. The state government moves to an immediate decision of the administrative court of Augsburg, actually, for Tuesday after Pentecost, the planned extension of opening Hours for all the dining and outdoor areas. This serve the right to peace, and to prevent that there was in Bavaria a patchwork of opening Hours, said the state law office chief Florian Herrmann (CSU), the German press Agency in Munich on Friday.

initial message of 28. May 2020

Augsburg – Re-a court in Bavaria has objected to a state government, adopted in restriction to containment of the Corona-pandemic . The Augsburg administrative court has granted the emergency application of a caterers , wants to host his guests in the outdoor area to 22 instead of only up to 20 h allowed.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: court gives Augsburg-based restaurateur right

the court is of the view that there is from infection protection a legal point of view no reason why in the Augsburg Local to the inner area is no longer hosting that of the terrace.

“you can imagine how the guests have reacted if we had to tell them to 20 PM, that you are now no longer allowed to sit here” , says the managing Director of the restaurant Palladio , Bernhard Spielberger. Its about 90 outside seats he can host from now until 22 PM. “For my client that is an economically important decision,” says attorney Bernard Hannemann.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: FW calls for longer service in all the Restaurants

The urgent application he had filed before the state decided to government, the opening Hours for the Indoor and outdoor area to align. This regulation will only apply from next Tuesday. the Fabian Mehring, Parliamentary managing Director of the FW group in the state Parliament , therefore calls to allow all of the Restaurants on Pentecost, the longer period of hosting. Also, the FDP is in favour of an immediate alignment.

by the end of April, the Bavarian administrative court had explained to the sales ban for large shops with more than 800 square meters, to be unconstitutional. The state government responded: Shortly afterwards, large shops were allowed to open again.


*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network. Here you can learn everything Corona: entry requirements, research, and incubation time.