Donald Trump has not said its last word in the iranian issue. The us president says he is ready, Saturday, 15 August, to resort to a means of response controversial for réimposer unilateral UN sanctions on Tehran, after the rejection by the security Council of a resolution for the united states to extend the arms embargo in Iran.

After the blow suffered by Washington, the tenant of the White House has promised a response in the form of a ” snapback “, a mechanism which is a kind of right of veto to the upside. “We knew the outcome of the vote, but we will do a snapback. You will see next week, ” said Donald Trump.

impact on the nuclear deal, iran

critics of the american approach suspect the administration Trump want to achieve before the November presidential election in the United States at this reimposition controversial sanctions of the united nations, at the risk of plunging the Board in one of the worst diplomatic crises in its history.

Iran has shouted victory after this rejection, which already has an impact on the nuclear deal iranian : Donald Trump will “probably not” the next summit of the five permanent members of the security Council with Iran, proposed by his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. “I think we’re going to wait until after the election,” said Donald Trump, when asked about his possible participation in the summit.

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“America has never been isolated”

Only two of the fifteen members of the Board voted Friday for a resolution, highlighting the divisions between Washington and its european allies since president Donald Trump has withdrawn unilaterally the United States of the international agreement on the iranian nuclear in may 2018. Several countries, however, a priori, favourable to an extension of the embargo, like the Europeans, have in effect refused to play the american game.

Tehran has scoffed at Washington for his inability to get more than a single voice of support, one from the dominican Republic. The european allies of Washington are all avoided. For iranian president Hassan Rohani, the United States have failed to put an end to what he called the agreement “half-live” of 2015, with the major powers that has allowed Iran to escape sanctions in exchange for a reduction of its nuclear program.

“The United States has failed in this conspiracy, humiliated,” said Hassan Rohani during a press conference broadcast on television. “In my opinion, this day will remain in the history of our country and in the history of the fight against the world arrogance. “”During the 75-year history of the united Nations, America has never been so isolated,” she said the spokesman for the iranian foreign ministry Abbas Mousavi.

“Serious error” and the decision “scandalous”

The us secretary of State Mike Pompeo has reported a ” serious error “. “I regret that the world is not associated with the struggle against the biggest State sponsor of terrorism to ensure that it does not have weapons systems that pose a risk, a risk to the heart of Europe “, he said.

israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has held “scandalous” the decision not to renew the embargo. “Instead of oppose the sales of weapons, the security Council encouraged “, he blasted. The israeli Defence minister Benny Gantz has spoken of a ” bad decision “. “In its attempt to always acquire nuclear weapons and its efforts to feed the terror and the violence, Iran at night to the peace in the region and in the world,” he tweeted.

also Read Nuclear iran, an agreement in a state of “brain death”

The arms embargo expires on the 18th October

This decision is expected to pave the way for a long test of strength, with repercussions on the international agreement in 2015 to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon. The arms embargo expires on the 18th of October. However, although Donald Trump has withdrawn the United States from the agreement on the iranian nuclear issue that he deemed inadequate, american diplomacy is now threatening to invoke its status as a country “participant” in this same text to unilaterally impose the reinstatement of united nations sanctions lifted in exchange for the commitment of iran to not acquire nuclear weapons.

such A manoeuvre, on the basis of a legal argument disputed by many members of the Council, could push Iran to slam definitely the door of the nuclear deal, which he has already started to disengage. The end of the embargo “could have serious consequences for the regional security and stability,” admitted Anne Gueguen, deputy permanent representative of France to the united Nations.

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