six years Have been tragedies and ambitious transformation environmental. Since the terrorist attacks of 2015 until the fire of Notre Dame in 2019, the socialist Anne Hidalgo has faced extreme situations during his tenure at the front of the city Hall of Paris. Their plans to reduce pollution have been met with resistance from motorists and a part of the population. Have also marked these years of criticism by the dirt in the streets, or the difficult task of preserving the social diversity of a city increasingly expensive. At times it seemed that the fall of the popularity, coupled with the strong push from the president and Emmanuel Macron in the capital, the condemn to be a mayor of a single mandate.

But Hidalgo has announced his candidacy for renewing the charge in the elections of the 15 and the 22 of march, and part as a favorite indisputable. In an interview in the Sunday edition of the daily Le Parisien, mayor of Paris, born in San Fernando (Cádiz) in 1959, confirms that there was no secret: to be submitted to the re-election. And what you will do with message ecologist. “From now on it is a race against the clock: we have ten years to address the urgency of climate”, declares the mayor, who intends to convert Paris into a city “100% bicycles”. The name of the application, to be hosted by former socialist, communists and ecologists, has resonances of barcelona: Paris in commun.


Anne Hidalgo: “cities are the antidote to populism” Cédric Villani, a mathematician at your ball

The advantage of Hidalgo in the polls is clear —between 19 and 24% in the first round, according to Libération— but not definite. Another poll, Ifop, indicates that 57% of parisians have an unfavorable opinion of her. The main challenge should come from The Republic in march (LREM), the party of Macron, who won in Paris with 35% of votes in the first round of the presidential elections of 2017 and a 89.7% in the second round. In the european, 2019, won, with 33% of votes. If there is a bastion of LREM, is the capital.

But, although he maintained the level of support, its constituency changed between the presidential elections of 2017 and the european 2019. His electorate has mutated. In 2017 he won with clarity in neighborhoods to the east of the city, more inclined to the left. In 2019, won in the western districts, traditionally right-wing. The candidate LREM, the exportavoz of the Government Benjamin Griveaux, didn’t materialize. Identified with the right wing, gives rise to antipathies between the electorate of the centre-left that contributed to the success of Macron three years ago. And facing a candidate dissenting from LREM, the mathematician Cédric Villani, who are searching for the old voter Macron environmentalist or socialist. Other candidates are the environmentalist David Belliard; the candidate of the right, the former minister of Justice Rachida Dati; and of the populist left, Danielle Simonnet.

it Is an all against all in favor Hidalgo, the hope of the Socialist Party and the moderate left in France to keep its most precious jewel, and to find clues for their possible reconstruction.