in Order to save themselves from Ruin, will be allowed to sell standl operator Jacquelin Eberhardt your almonds in the summer. She fights against municipal authorities-wind mills.

Due to the Corona-crisis, the revenue from the business markets and Fixed from Eberhardt to fall for Standl-operator Jacquelin Eberhardt, therefore, on your Winter stand to the PEP in Neuperlach your goods
sell At KVR, and pushes it with your Plan but on deaf ears.

Munich – For Jacquelin Eberhardt and your family the Corona Lockdown a true nightmare . The Eberhardt’s run, now in its third Generation of two confectionery huts in Munich . They sell roasted almonds and nuts, stomach, bread, Popcorn, chocolate specialties and other sweets. In the smaller Eberhardt works with her husband, in the larger mother and sister. By Corona the water, the small up to the neck . “We have already sold smaller replacement units, not to give up.”

“Could the our existence and our life

For 30 years the little state-urban area in front of the PEP shopping centre in Neuperlach . From the beginning of September to April. In the summer time, the Eberhardt’s hoof, then various markets and Association-strength of boys, costume, learning, and other. However, this year like all of the Corona to the victim. “Everything is gone, everything is canceled,” says Eberhardt. In desperation, she clings to a straw, and would like to the status on the PEP back up , the she has at the end of March in accordance with the contract broken down. You could sell there even in the summer months, “it could save our existence and our life,” says the self-employed. “There’s a lot to know and people to us.”

+ In their booth at the PEP laughs PEP shopping centre Jacquelin Eberhardt sold roasted almonds – is allowed only in the Winter.©Private

However, although the area in Munich is salmon empty, and the Mall would have no Problem with the Stand, this would be no permission from the district administration unit . Because of a clause in the special use agreement, the joint operator enters into each year with the city. Therefore, their Sale is a seasonal business with autumn-Winter-Ware, and the can’t get a summer contract . The same with the second Shack on the stand in Munich-Schwabing.

SPD-councillor: “In times of crisis, a blind eye”

“What sold the wife, I really don’t care, as long as it sells and earns what,” says Perlachs district Committee Chairman Thomas Kauer (CSU), shaking his head, now the call for help of the booth operator . With a view to the project “summer in the city” could be used to expose the passage for this year, but just once. In times of crisis, one must turn a blind eye, the Ramersdorfer SPD Councilwoman Lena Odell. Ever, the world will not go under, if you can buy roasted almonds in the future, also in July.

For Jacquelin Eberhardt sound of the great announcements of the city for the support of the showmen and stall operator, just more like mockery . “We are holding the very end of the food chain, probably only helped the large and well-known operators of the Oktoberfest”, the stall operator is frustrated.

the consequences of The Corona-crisis for confectionery dealer Stefan Vogler from Inning particularly hard – especially the cancellation of the Oktoberfest hits the 53-Year-old.

Due to Corona is cancelled, the Dachauer Volksfest. To let nevertheless, “Feeling”, have proposed a three-dachauer aldermen a “Drive-in-folk festival”.

Carmen Ick-Dietl