global travel warning the Federal government will apply to mid-June. This means that I can’t travel until then, abroad? A common misconception.

Despite a global travel warning to mid-June is allowed leisure* travel before going abroad. As the official travel warning is the Federal government’s ban on no journey, but a recommendation. the specifically : Opens about a neighboring country of Germany to its borders before the 14. June,, may, vacationers also there.

The Same goals as Italy* and Spain*: applies to air there Are flights and entry is also possible for individual travellers there too.

travel warning to a travel ban – what does this mean for holiday makers?

Generally, a travel warning legally is a very strong indication that travel in the country is significantly impaired. This applies, for example for crisis and civil war in countries such as Iraq, Yemen, and Somalia. This does not mean, for example, that comes with the plane to get there – although not from Germany, with a German airline. There are regular scheduled flights to Baghdad, Kabul and Mogadishu.

read : These new rules will apply during the Corona-crisis at German airports.

For German tour operators and a travel warning is in practice a quasi-binding: The companies say the package travel, as soon as the Foreign office pronounces a travel warning for a country. Vacationers can . in turn, free of charge the travel contract, cancel Also, tourists will be taken from the concerned state home.

a travel warning is a ban not a travel, also displays the current Situation : So about the Euro wings had announced, to fly in may and again more frequently to Mallorca, despite the warning . A worldwide travel warning as is currently the case, there was in front of Corona never.

business with holiday travel comes gradually back into the swing

The wanderlust of German citizens gradually comes again : After the easing of travel restrictions in the Corona-crisis, and growing hope on a summer vacation in Europe, organizers report increasing bookings. “In the last two to three weeks, we have seen a continuous increase in demand,” reports, for example, Ralph Schiller, CEO of the FTI Group. Especially great is the interest in traveling between the island of Rügen and Garmisch-Partenkirchen is up to date. But also the demand for international business attracts.

holidays in Germany : “Since then, the German holiday regions are available again, we see a large demand on the coasts and in the mountains,” said a Tui spokesperson. In Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, some of the dates to the holidays and the high summer weeks were already fully booked. Strong growth, there have been for the South of Germany, in part, by over 100 percent compared to the previous year. Also, FTI Touristik and Alltours is a strong increase in demand for Germany in the last time. “This is especially true for the North sea and the Baltic sea, but also the Alps and the Mediterranean, the mountains attract,” reported THE tourist.

Hotels : Not every vacationer is likely to get his wish headquarters to request time. “Popular regions such as the coast or Bayern were on holiday in the summer has always been very full,” said Ralph Schiller, CEO of the FTI Group. Because of the spacing rules to Hotels would be unable to use their capacity in the peak travel period this year. The result: “Some Hotels may not accept all of the vacationers who have already booked. We will clarify this in each case and to offer customers, for example, a different date or a different accommodation.“ With similar problems in the case of package trips to other European countries he does not expect. “The hotel occupancy rate over the flight offer taxes.”

read : These new rules will apply during the Corona-crisis at German airports.

vacations abroad : “If vacation areas such as Greece or Croatia indicate that you want to open for tourists, rises immediately to the demand. As happens, depending on the news very much,” said Schiller. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) and counterparts from ten of the most popular vacation countries of the Germans want to work towards Opening the borders to tourists until the beginning of summer. Maas wants the up to 14. June world-wide travel warning for German tourists cancel initially only for the European Union and by individual trip notes for individual countries to replace.

industry leader, Tui recorded a strong reservation plus when traveling on the Balearic Islands, Greece and Portugal. “Just in Mallorca a catch – up effect is thus 40 percent of capacity by the early-bird busy,” said the spokesman. THE tourist looks at the moment a strong increase in demand at a low level especially after Mallorca and the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, the Maldives, Greece, Turkey, Mexico and the Caribbean. Alltours recorded flight package travel bookings, especially for Mallorca, followed by Antalya, Crete and the Canary Islands. Schauinsland-Reisen is will boost confident “that the European border openings in the short term, including the summer vacation – the demand”.

air travel : the passengers have to adjust to changes in operations at the German airport. Mask duty at certain points, equalized, and therefore, slower processes, but for the time being, no medical Checks – the guide provides the industry Association ADV has presented. With the package of measures increases the risk of Contracting the lung disease Covid-19 should be excluded in the case of a restart of the air traffic almost, it said.

concerns : The Chairman of the world medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, warns against a too rapid Opening of the European borders for tourism. “I would advise the government to keep the borders closed in both directions,” said Montgomery, the Newspapers of the Funke media group (Tuesday). “For health reasons, it would be the Best, the people remained in their place of residence.” By traffic, the risk of a second wave of Infection will rise: “it is harder than the first, because we will no longer have to be so careful.”

tourism : According to a survey by the German chamber of industry and Commerce day (DIHK) is the German tourism industry that they must still fight for a long time with the economic consequences of the Corona-crisis. In the travel and hospitality industry around 40 percent of the companies expected at the earliest in the coming year, with a return to normality. This perspective is dramatic, said Achim Dercks, Deputy DIHK chief Executive, the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Tuesday). The tourism industry is one of the hardest of the corona-related restrictions on sectors to be affected with majority of small and medium-sized enterprises. Associations are calling for a rescue Fund with non-repayable grants.

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