In the Parking lot of one of the most famous beach huts of the Republic, a long line formed this morning in June. Patient families with small children, cyclists, and couples out in the sun waiting to snag a place in the “Zanzibar”. At the entrance to the path through the dunes that leads to Locally, is an employee and regulates the inlet.

Christina is with her husband and young daughter, relatively far back in the queue. It is 11.15 PM – the “Zanzibar” opens in three quarters of an hour.

Actually wanted to fly the Hamburg-based family in the holidays, “but this was not working,” says Christina, who don’t want to call your name. On Sylt you are often. It was so relaxed here, especially with children, you will find it. For the Local with the large Playground in the dunes you can. “It’s worth it.”

Sylt shortly before Easter: Quit place of desire

A very different picture presented itself on the island of Sylt in the week before Easter, as tourists were not allowed to enter the island. On the spacious Parking cars, the road which leads across the island are only a few, is very little traffic, and the ubiquitous Bicycle riders are rarely seen. dpa/Carsten Rehder/dpa, As here, on the island of Sylt starts this weekend with the start of the summer holidays in many Federal States, the high season.

waiting on a car train? Fail display. The Western Countries Pedestrian? Orphaned. The island lies in a kind of slumber. And shows their beauty.

The dunes, the miles of white sandy beaches, the sound of the sea, the forest, in the countryside gekuschelte thatched-roof houses – in the silence is even more obvious how beautiful the island is and why the island of Sylt, for many people, a place of longing is.

“Zanzibar”-host Corona-target group – “number one with asterisk”

“Zanzibar”-host Herbert Seckler departs shortly before 12.00 am with his black Mercedes the Dünenweg up to the Restaurant. Every day he is here, even during the Corona of the time, in spite of his 68 years, and although he “is target number one with an asterisk”.

His “office” has he moved outside to the terrace. “Here I feel relatively safe,” he says. The Lockdown was economically a disaster.

The season he had written down, actually. But: “If you subtract the economic aspect, it was a great time,” he says. “You see things that you don’t see otherwise. Now, only people and bikes and bikes and bikes.”

By 12.01 PM, the Restaurant is full. Waiters with masks rotate, in order to serve the guests, to the slips of paper to collect the contact details. dpa Fine bodies in front of the legendary “Zanzibar”.

On the first day of Opening for all guests, the Monday before ascension – it attracts the travellers immediately back to the island. It is a re-start of tourism from Zero to one Hundred. Early in the Morning-kilometre-long traffic jams on the access roads to the car station to the loading in Niebüll.

Many motorists are driving all night. The people are now allowed back on the island, be euphoric, observed Seckler. “They are very happy, that you are allowed back on the island. People come and see the sea. The feeling of happiness is very strong.”

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Aperol-lovers, sun-worshippers and wave riders

Who is driving now, at the end of June on the island or in the faces of the people facing the happiness feeling. By the Western countries pedestrian relaxed couples stroll, sit down to a Cup of coffee or Aperol in one of the newly opened cafes.

On the beach sun loungers hungry, some of the wave riders paddling through the Surf. The distance that is anywhere indicated sometimes more, sometimes less subtle, can be on the beach and easily maintained.

Along the so-called whisky mile in Kampen, where “Pony Club” and “Gogärtchen” home, cruising luxury cars. The seats of the outdoor restaurants are well filled. Cyclists and pedestrians in wind-jackets or beach outfits to stroll along the high-end fashion boutiques, on the quite expensive skirts and dresses in the shop window carefully, looking after the Porsches, Ferraris and Bentleys.

At the car station loading in Westerland, a young Couple in an old VW waiting for Bulli to the car-train gen the mainland. dpa guests to wait on the island of Sylt in front of the “Zanzibar”.

Why is this 99 square kilometres of Land in the North sea for decades so many people in the spell? People buy a million euros expensive house in Kampen or to beat up your tent on the campsite? “Sylt, you can’t explain. The man or don’t feel,” says Seckler. The native of Schwabe came 43 years ago on the island. The Rest is history.

Some of the guests would be, perhaps, because you want to see celebrities, says Seckler. But, above all, the island of Sylt have, in comparison to other holiday destinations just a super infrastructure. “Up here, everybody gets any. No matter, it’s all here.” You could eat for three euros or in the star restaurant.

The Red cliff in Kampen, a man photographing his partner on the viewing platform. In the Background of the beach, the waves, the individual beach chairs. Today is your last day of vacation, the Couple, who lives in Schleswig-Holstein near Hamburg told.

Nine days they were on the island of Sylt. “We have enjoyed it infinitely, time to get out,” she says. Everything was very relaxed, even better than I thought. Exhausting it is sometimes just, if you wanted to go eat. But it was supposed to be a holiday, as you take also time waiting.

in tourism for a rethink on the island of Sylt?

a While that the island is filled again and the financial Worries are less, are going to vote with guests and islanders louder – not just in social media – that something will change, the clock must be slower.

“we have been for some time aware of the fact that our guests appreciate sustainable tourism,” says Jutta Berg of the island of Sylt Marketing. The Act was designed – “and we do this not only for our guests, but also for the islanders and the island itself”.

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An island, on whose substance the forces of nature to gnaw. Every year the schleswig-Holstein land government put many millions of euros in the conservation of substance and coastal protection measures such as beach nourishment.

And the Problem of plastic litter in the oceans is here, on the North sea island more visible than elsewhere. Various initiatives for sustainable consumption, less plastic and more environmental protection.

Sylt is not only the Polo and Party

the island of Sylt is not only the Polo and beach party, Destination for family holidays and cyclists, but also a rural Region with problems as elsewhere – only more concentrated. Housing is scarce and expensive, many Thousands of people commute daily from the mainland by the hindenburgdamm Causeway by train to your workplace on the island of Sylt.

Overcrowded and late trains mean to the normal times of Stress. Now that the Corona Virus is circulating and the trains are also with holiday makers always full, not only with commuters, nor the fear of contagion.

the island of Sylt without leisure, however, is not conceivable. The island lives to a hundred percent of tourism as not only the mayor of the municipality of Sylt, Nikolas Häckel, recently stressed. And this is for many islanders a blessing and a curse at the same time. After the Whaling era, it was tourism that brought the island of Sylt wealth.

in the 1920s, writers, painters, artists came to the island of Sylt, to let the nature inspire you. Later, celebrities such as Gunter Sachs and Brigitte Bardot, who celebrated on the legendary beach stage 16 “section” in Kampen and the Image of the island of the Beautiful and Rich co-founded came. Today and funny take on the “Buhne 16” annual Pentecost Party to meet and celebrate.

Also this year came in spite of the ban of day guests on the island, and distance, more people rules than actually allowed. “Pentecost was in some Places already questionable,” says “Zanzibar”-host Seckler. He is angry to himself, “that put my life at risk”.

And even though the infection numbers in Schleswig-Holstein are very low, not show outbreaks in the district of Gütersloh, is that Corona is not yet over. “You must not be negligent,” says Jutta Berg of the island of Sylt Marketing. Despite the holiday, in spite of Sylt.

By Birgitta von Gyldenfeldt (Text) and Carsten Rehder (photos)

workers of the slaughterhouse in the ZDF: “men have become ill and fell down” FOCUS Online/Wochit workers from the slaughterhouse in the ZDF: “men have become ill and fell down”
