The travel warning for most of the European countries fall in the middle of June. Of travelers have not but nothing, when the countries for a holiday let over the border. Now comes the next step.

Brussels (dpa) – German tourists can expect from the middle of June, with much less border controls in Europe. A large part of the EU-States wool then. its in the Corona-crisis restrictions introduced in the European internal borders of the 15 June, cancel, said Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), after consultations with his EU colleagues.

He himself will submit to the Federal Cabinet next Wednesday a proposal. “Thus, the termination of the quarantine is no longer made, so that the exchange between the countries in Europe in quarantine.” Enter the country from outside the EU are likely to be from July step way possible.

at the beginning of the Corona-crisis went on in Europe is a barrier after the other down and visa bans were imposed. Germany also controlled since the middle of March to the borders to France, Denmark, Switzerland and Austria. From these countries may only come from, who works in Germany, relatives visited, or to his second home wants to see. The same is true for the entry by plane from Italy and Spain.

space, the 26 European countries belonging to, actually, travel freedom in the Schengen. Stationary controls at the borders, there is not a rule. This principle – and with it the idea of Europe – saw a lot of the frequently unabgesprochenen border closures in the Corona-crisis hurt. Also in the fight against the Virus, all of the EU member States decided in mid-March, with the exception of Ireland, as well as the Non-EU countries Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland, to prohibit is not absolutely necessary to Enter first. After two extensions of the scheme runs until December 15. June.

you believe in a full return to the Schengen area until the end of June, said EU Commissioner for Ylva Johansson. Both the health and the political Situation allow this. The Swede stressed, however, that this is ultimately the decision of the individual EU member States.

Seehofer has already made that decision, but his Cabinet colleagues have yet to agree. Also Belgium or the Switzerland open up their country from the 15. June for many European States. Other countries, such as Austria or Italy that are more advanced and have repealed their controls to a large extent. The Czech Republic opened on Friday its limit for citizens from Germany, Austria and Hungary. 15. June will be for other countries in a phased traffic light model is introduced. Spain want to leave in the beginning of July tourists in a big way to the country.

It was long unclear whether it will be with the summer holidays on the Adriatic coast or the Algarve this year at all. The start signal was given, the Federal government recently. She decided that the worldwide travel warning because of the Corona pandemic for 29 European countries from the age of 15. June is repealed. As in Norway and Spain on the 15. June also lock the Entry because of the Corona pandemic apply, is delayed for these two countries, the lifting of the travel warning, which allows for a free cancellation of holiday travel.

Arriving from outside the EU are likely to remain at least until the end of June is prohibited, such as the EU Commissioner Johansson made clear on Friday. She called the other approach “the next important challenge”. Many countries were for a two-week extension. Then the restrictions could gradually be lifted. However, there are EU-States, discrepancies, what are the criteria for the should locker be set. The EU Commission will submit to it recommendations.

Seehofer spoke, for the period from July of a “differentiated solution”, depending on the Coronavirus situation in the country of origin of the traveller. He referred to the United States, Brazil, and Russia, where the situation is much more tense than in the EU countries.

the Schengen area Is from July, then again completely intact, as Johansson believes? Hardly. Because, even before the Corona-crisis-controlled Germany and other Schengen countries for part of their boundaries. France informed the European Commission at the beginning of April, you wanted to prolong the inspections for reasons of public health and public security until the end of October. And Germany controlled a Overview of the EU Commission, according to still to 11. November its border to Austria. The reason for the Coronavirus, but the concern is that migrants have already been asked elsewhere for asylum, could move to Germany is.

BMI to temporary border controls

foreign office travel warnings