in times of Corona are over-crowded trains for many travelers is a No-Go. But how to train out customers in a timely manner, as it is in the compartments? An App could bring to the solution.

Berlin (Reuters) – Deutsche Bahn wants to warn using your App in the Corona-crisis to the full. The “mirror” reported, citing the group’s circles, the track Navigator and the Internet of the web presence had been reprogrammed, the user trains would have a capacity utilization of 50 percent, and more displayed.

you should get the possibility to less-congested Connections to access. In this way, the passenger flow should be controlled better, so that in the coming weeks, not dangerous in tight situations in the trains would have to bear.

If the reservations should continue to grow in spite of this warning on a particular connection, the App and the booking page in the future, that this train is booked and reserved prevented could be. This function is to be activated according to the figures, in the coming days.

for the people in charge of traffic railway Board of management Berthold Huber wants to declare on Monday (11: 00), how his company is driving the capacity both for long – Distance and regional traffic gradually back to the normal timetable to converge. The railway had to pay your offer due to massive slumps in the passenger in the Corona-crisis shut down.

According to the “mirror”-report can get in, despite the App everyone who goes to the train station, in a crowded train, the App does not sell any ticket for more or reservation making. Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer had brought at the end of April reservation is compulsory to the conversation, however, made it clear, in this question set. It was a question of how passenger flows, particularly at large stations would be organized. A closed System would mean that customers have to book a seat in a particular train, as in the plane.

In France, had announced the state-owned railway SNCF is already the beginning of may that rail passengers can be informed prior to travel about the utilization of the trains. For each train it should be in the App one day before the departure, a corresponding icon. This applies especially for regional trains. In the case of long-distance trains such as the TGV, reservation is compulsory in France anyway. The reservation should be blocked, if a utilization of 50 percent is reached.

Due to massive declines in the numbers of passengers, the German car has been in the Corona-crisis your offer shut down. Now she wants to drive the capacity both for long – Distance and regional traffic gradually back to the normal schedule approaching.

the train has Started back up already at the beginning of may, especially in regional traffic. Since then, the regional traffic is again at least 90 percent. However, significantly fewer people riding the train in the crisis. Alone in the long-distance transport, passenger numbers in the past few weeks, the ministries of information is that approximately 90 percent declined.