Finally travel again – at least in Germany. But to return to Pentecost jams so probably again back on the highways. Where do you need the most patience?

Stuttgart (dpa/tmn) – The loosening of the Corona pads make tourist trips, at least in Germany possible again. On the long Whitsun week-end (29. May to 1. June) need drivers, therefore, on some roads more patience, to predict Auto Club Europa (ACE) and the ADAC.

Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg start of the Whitsun holidays. In Saxony-Anhalt you. This increases the risks of Congestion on the trunk roads in the South of Germany and on the routes in a northerly direction.

At the most it should be according to the experts at the following times: On Friday afternoon, when the afternoon into the early evening, the holiday, the journeyman starter to the commuters. Also on Saturday morning there may be some particularly close.

From your quieter side should show the highways on Pentecost Sunday. Then, however, the areas in addition to trails around the recreation to the full, especially when the weather is nice. Another highlight is the late Monday afternoon in the house, if a lot of travel back home.

in addition to the routes from and to the German coasts and the auto space cars around the conurbations of Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and Munich, it might come according to ADAC, especially on the following routes to traffic jams.

A 1 Hamburg – Bremen – Dortmund – KölnA 2 Oberhausen – Dortmund – Hannover – BerlinA 3 Oberhausen – Frankfurt – Würzburg – Nürnberg – PassauA 4 Kirchheimer triangle Erfurt – DresdenA 5 Had hattenbacher Dreieck – Frankfurt – Karlsruhe – BaselA 6 Kaiserslautern – Mannheim – Heilbronn – NürnbergA 7 Hamburg – Flensburg and Hamburg – Hannover – Würzburg – Ulm – Füssen/ReutteA 8 Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – München – SalzburgA 9 Berlin – Halle/Leipzig – Nürnberg – MünchenA 61 Mönchengladbach – Koblenz – LudwigshafenA 81 Stuttgart – SingenA 93 Inntal triangle KufsteinA 95 Munich – Garmisch-Partenkirchen

message ADAC

message ACE