With the fjord vacation, it might work this summer, but still. Norgwegen plans to allow visitors back into the country if it allowed the Corona location.

Oslo (Reuters) – travelers from Germany and other countries of the European economic and Schengen area can soon travel again to Norway, where this will allow the Corona to Pay of the respective country.

your government’s intention to travel from these countries, from the age of 15. To allow July, quarantine, announced by Prime Minister Erna Solberg on Thursday at a press conference in Oslo. However, there is one important restriction: The Coronavirus outbreak has to be in the country under control, the infection figures are accordingly low.

The Norwegian health authority should be 15 to the. July a list of countries and regions to develop for due to the infection travel restrictions continue to pay will apply. Norwegians, the Numbers to the right-high-Corona-fighting Sweden travel, upon their return, however, to continue for ten days in quarantine, which made Solberg’s government is already clear. The island of Gotland, which had with the exception of the government, the last of which counts back.

Norway had closed its borders due to the Coronavirus pandemic in mid-March, with the exception of returning Norwegians, and other people with a good entry reason. Since the age of 15. June are allowed to travel from and to Scandinavia with the exception of the Swedish mainland again.

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