gone Long traffic jams of the highways. However, Corona-relaxations and the long ascension weekend to get more traffic on the roads. Where is it tight?

Stuttgart (dpa/tmn) – The loosening of the Corona-restrictions and first regional trip freedoms bring more and more traffic on the roads. This is especially true for this weekend, the automobile club ACE and ADAC.

The ACE expected a bit more traffic than in the weeks previously, but nevertheless expects a total of one fashion jam rates happen. The ADAC classifies especially the motorways around the Metropolitan areas and the construction phase of the threat as “very congestion” when compared to the previous years, less in los is likely to be. Many motorists are likely to pull it to the coasts of the North sea and the Baltic sea, as well as recreation and vacation areas.

While it is likely to go on Friday is relatively calm, will probably roll more return traffic on Sunday from 16.00 to 19.00 o’clock. Those who want to start longer trips, you should inform on a daily basis travel opportunities or restrictions, advises the ACE.

in addition to the routes from and to the German coasts and the auto space cars around the conurbations of Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich, it might come, according to ADAC, most likely on the following routes to traffic jams.

A 1 Köln – Bremen – Hamburg – LübeckA 2 Berlin – Hannover – DortmundA 3 Cologne – Frankfurt – Würzburg – NürnbergA 4 Kirchheimer Dreieck – Erfurt – Chemnitz – DresdenA 5 had – Bacher triangle – Darmstadt – KarlsruheA 6 Mannheim – Heilbronn – NürnbergA 7 Hamburg – Flensburg and Hamburg – Hannover, Würzburg – Füssen/ReutteA 8 Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – München – SalzburgA 9 München – Nürnberg – BerlinA 93 Inntal triangle KufsteinA 11 Berlin – Kreuz Uckermark – Szczecin

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