for the First time since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic are returned holidaymakers from Germany to the Mediterranean island of Mallorca. With 189 passengers fully occupied Tui flight from Düsseldorf landed on Monday at the airport of Son Sant Joan of Palma de Mallorca.

“We have been looking forward to Mallorca and the Mediterranean sea, we have been waiting for five months, that we can come and are overjoyed that it is now ready,” said Georg Käsbach from Lindlar near Cologne, which belonged together with his wife Diana, one of the first travelers.

The sun-hungry Germans, “Test-tourists”, who were after a three-month Corona-break, first to Majorca, were employees of their Hotels, and from politicians, with applause and great enthusiasm. Also, some of the passers-by clapped as the tourists got out of the buses. “Overwhelming, I think the features really on us here,” said Hans Gerhart Inger from Horn-Bad Meinberg (Ostwestfalen-Lippe).

“Know that it is a privilege to be here”

Despite the mask, Daniel Wiener considered his joy clearly. The 46-Year-old from Düsseldorf is one of the first Germans that were allowed on Monday after several months of Corona to a standstill again travel to Mallorca. “We know that it is a privilege to be here,” said Vienna with a beer in Hand by the Pool of his hotel in the island capital of Palma.

Even before Spain’s opening of the border, the Germans may come to the Balearic Islands of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. A total of 10.900 German tourists benefit from the pilot project, of which 1500 before the end of the Lockdown in Spain next Sunday.

the “pilot programme for the Opening of safe tourist corridors in the Autonomous community of the Balearic Islands” by the regional government together with three German tour operators. You want to test, such as in Corona-times a safe holiday can be guaranteed. According to information provided by the participating travel and tourism group Tui AG, on the first trip were booked out appointments within 36 hours.

4.5 million Germans were 2019 on holiday in Majorca

To Mallorca, the Germans have a very special relationship – not for nothing is the island with the picturesque beaches as “17. German state” means. About 4.5 million Germans visited in the past year the island.

But then came Corona. After Spain had made because of the pandemic, its limits, sealing, dam, numerous German authorities because they wanted to finally get back to Mallorca in values since April. dpa Spain, Palma de Mallorca: German tourists are on the beach of Palma de Mallorca.

On Monday it was finally so far. Early in the Morning, the first machine that brought German tourists to Palma de Mallorca started from Düsseldorf. Michael Driesch is one of them. For düsseldorf it is a trip to “Paradise”.

vacationers must measure body temperature and with a Call to

do not expect An infection with the novel Coronavirus while holidaying afraid of Driesch. “I’m not afraid,” says the 56-Year-old. “The Balearic Islands are not a source of Infection: It is dangerous to drive from Hamburg to Munich”, he adds with a smile.

in Order to keep the risk of Infection as low as possible, there are some precautions. In the case of arrival is measured at the travelers temperature. You must leave your contact information and during your holiday with the phone, the authorities call, which will check for possible Covid-19-symptoms.

see also: Corona-travel alert lifted – I have made a Club-holidays in Austria – at dinner I’m the one-way system

Having been in Spain already more than 27,000 people have died of or with a Coronavirus infection, don’t want to take the risk. “It seems to me that this is a great attempt, to test,” said the Spanish health Minister Salvador Illa on Monday with a view to the pilot project with the German.

tourism for the Balearic Islands is enormously important

in order for the feel good, some is done. In the Hotel RIU Concordia the arrivals from Germany were received at the Monday-taker of the hotel employees with the mouth-nose protection. In the Restaurants, German cuisine, and the waiters speak English, and also the bathing rules are explained in German.

For Spain, it is important that tourism starts up again – and for the Balearic Islands a lot more. Finally, the industry is in normal years, in Spain for twelve percent and the Balearic Islands for 35 percent of the gross domestic product. The return of the Germans, which account for 27 per cent of holidaymakers in Mallorca and its neighbouring Islands, is therefore an important starting signal.

the feel also Christian Laforcade. The 48-Year-old leads the Restaurant “Zur Krone” in the capital of the island. “The hope here in Palma is very big,” says the host. Finally, Mallorca is very greatly “dependent on tourism, and especially of the Germans”.

According to Trump-appearance: Now a Twitter Post, flies to him in 2014 to the ears, FOCUS Online/Wochit After Trump’s appearance: Now a Twitter Post, flies to him in 2014 around the ears
