in France, there are significant relaxations of the Corona-measures an eventful holiday possible for you. Two tourist Hotspots will soon re-open.

In France, the propagation of the Coronavirus is much slower , making travel possible again. Two tourist Hotspots to open again soon. You need to know to entry, travel connection and restrictions in France .

France holiday in spite of Corona: These Hotspots are to be soon re-tourists

lure Who has soon to be planning a France vacation, can. The most famous attraction will open again soon for tourists: The Eiffel tower . Since the 18th century. June can. tourists online Tickets for the period between 25 June and 31 December. July to buy, such as the official website informs. However, the visit is joyful once only something for the Run: to 30. June, the rise is only on the staircase possible and only up to the second floor of the tower . From 1. July should be taken again the Lift is in operation, however, for the time being, only a limited number of people.

Enhanced hygiene regulations also mean that people need to carry more than eleven years, a mouth – and nose protection. In the stairwells, there should be a one-way street system and the in – and output are separated for the First strictly. So not too many visitors are pushing at the same time at the Eiffel tower, it also give time-Slots. To avoid queues, it is vacationers, the Tickets in advance online to book .

And a further tourist attraction on the outskirts of Paris, is soon to open again: Disneyland want from 15. July after four months, finally back to visitors, welcome . Here, too, people want to wear from the age of eleven, a mouth protection, it distance rules apply and only a limited number of visitors allowed in the leisure Park. Tickets are available online, ticket sale on the spot is currently not possible, it says on the website of Disneyland. The owner of a non-dated Tickets or annual tickets can 1. July book on a new online platform a place.

Unfortunately, not a single Meeting with cast members in the Disney are for the time being-costume possible – this also applies to interactions such as hugs with the Disney favorites. Nevertheless, there will be photo opportunities with new Selfie-Spots.

Learn here : are you planning a trip to the Netherlands? Then you should be aware of these regulations.

holidays in France: what you need to at the port of entry

note entry from the EU-countries, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and Vatican city state since 15. June 2020, again with no restrictions , as it says on the website of the Federal foreign office. Travellers from the UK, Northern Ireland is, however, recommended in a voluntary quarantine . Those arriving from other countries, which have not been previously called, should be able to present also a statement of the reason for a trip, and a self-Declaration to his Covid-19-symptom awareness. Also could find a home insulation. Also important: France is in control until the end of October to continue its internal borders.

Who is in French overseas territories , such as French Guyana, Mayotte, French Polynesia, New Caledonia or Wallis and Futuna Islands would travel, have to wait for the time being: a Tourist traveling without a valid travel reason, according to the foreign office is currently not permitted. In the case of the entry on the French Antilles (Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Martin, St. Barthélémy), there is a 14-day Quarantine requirement. This can be shortened with a previous COVID-Test may on seven days.

interesting : penalties, prohibitions, rules: What you need to know Italy-travelers in the Corona-the summer now.

holidays in spite of the Corona: How do I get to France?

to start in France-holiday, is open to travelers again many possibilities: train and flight connections exist, and can be booked online.

Important for vacationers: This Corona-hygiene rules are currently applicable in France

In the Local – such as long-distance traffic in France, a mask is compulsory for travellers from the age of eleven : This relates to planes, trains, buses, railway stations, airports, bus stops, Taxis and collective taxis apply as the Foreign office informed. Similarly, here, as well as in catering establishments, museums, and similar institutions distance regulations . Locally arranged in the mask of obligations are excluded in well-attended places.

On your costs for holidaymakers, however in Parks, public green areas, beaches and sports ports – these are country-wide, in principle, accessible. Only concert halls, amusement parks, discos and similar venues are currently still closed. In museums, visitors should book their Tickets in advance. (fk)

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