Selfie tourism has serious negative consequences for nature. At least that’s what Sepp Wurm, Social media Manager at the Berchtesgadener Land tourism Association, thinks. In an interview with the “Augsburger Allgemeine” he describes that many visitors who visit the Berchtesgaden region only because of beautiful pictures for their social media channels have no interest in the landscape.

Nature degenerates into a trivial backdrop

“The influencers are not concerned with the region, but primarily with themselves,” says Wurm. The great nature only degenerates into a backdrop, ” which she is not really interested in.“ This would also mean that they would no longer respect nature, which is reflected in their behaviour.

“The many photojournalists trample the vegetation on us, leave behind their garbage in many places and fly with their drones over protected areas. Some even light campfires or camp there. All of this is strictly forbidden,“ he scolds the ruthless tourists.

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The situation at a place at the Königsbachfall in the national Park, the so – called “Natural Infinity Pool” – named by the community, not the park managers. Some would even just come to this Instagram hotspot. As a result, many Trampelpfade were created and in the summer gave so much trouble that “for conservation reasons an entry ban” around the grounds of the “Natural Infinity Pool” is to be pronounced. At present, however, the case would still lie with the responsible district office.

Community can quickly get out of control /

Despite the negative experiences Sepp Wurm says that he is not negative towards Instagram in principle. There are also bloggers who have “become great ambassadors for our region” and social media also functions as a communication channel for tourism management.

However, he sees the problem in the fact that the community, as in the case of the “Natural Infinity Pool” can temporarily become completely independent and then one would no longer have any control over it.

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kas / with dpa