In Bavaria, in the Corona-crisis, various relaxations in force. During an infection outbreak among Harvest workers on a Spargelhof a stir.

According to the Bavarian Minister-President of Markus Söder announced easing of the Corona-measures a little bit of normalcy returns in the state. Sensation cases of infection of Harvest workers were currently on a Spargelhof to Bayern . All further developments in the of Bavaria, relating to the Corona-crisis , read here in the Ticker. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus*. You can also see the latest case numbers in Germany, as a card*. The most Important thing on the subject of there is also on our brand new Facebook page Corona News.

Aichach – After the Whitsun week-end, two harvest on a Spargelhof in County Aichach Friedberg were tested positive for the Coronavirus *, there are 50 more harvesters now in quarantine .

Coronavirus in Bavaria: infectious-Alarm on Spargelhof – 50 harvest workers in quarantine

“The two of Infected were isolated, one of which is currently in the hospital “, a spokesman for the district administrative office Aichach-Friedberg said on Tuesday (2. June). “The 50 contact persons to be tested in the course of the week, all on the Virus. Instant Tests make mostly no sense, since the pathogen can not be proven yet.“

The Department of health is according to the speaker closely with the affected Spargelhof in contact. “Since the operator has already set up procedures for such a case, the cooperation is going very well and the Isolated to be well supplied,” reads the Department of health.

Corona-the rules in Bavaria: relaxations come into force from June – For restaurants, spas and culture

in Spite of such messages return to Bayern according to the easing , the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU), before Pentecost, had proclaimed, Piece by piece, a little bit of normality back. Although the fight against the Coronavirus is not yet over. Also, the Mask requirement* * will accompany the people in the free state is probably still a long time – in the BR-broadcast “Now red I” showed Markus Söder an extreme way for Bavaria*.

New rules for Bayern, with which the social life should be a bit further up, apply from next Monday (8. June). the pools should be re-opened – as well as dance studios and gyms . News in mid-June, also from the cultural field: Theater and cinemas is allowed to use under strict Hygiene – and Distance measures from 15. June the operating record. Under certain conditions, the concerts and other cultural events will once again be possible.

new guidelines gastronomy* have been implemented . Since the 2. June may have opened companies up to 22 hours.

In the


More news for Bayern you are reading here.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.