For a week the mountain huts in Bavaria, after the Corona-Lockdown again overnight guests receive. Sounds good, but the reality is different.

mountain huts to Bayern are now allowed to receive overnight guests. The hosts wrangle with the Corona-requirements . “Because it is cleverer, if you close up the same,” says the host of the Tutzinger hut.

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen – “The Hygiene standards are impossible to meet”, writes Thomas Jauernig, host of the Tutzinger hut. The Tutzing cottage below the Benedict wall is so comfortable like no other shack in the vicinity. The guests ten sinks are distributed on two Laundry rooms available. They are divided with partition walls or in enclosed cabins housed. Jauernig was sure that he will get with Hygiene guidelines never problems. But on Monday evening he received a message, which struck him to the marrow: The number of the sink is irrelevant, only the number of wash counts spaces. After each use by a family, a General cleaning of the office disinfection is due. “This is a disaster,” says Jauernig. “You have to consider whether the operation under these circumstances is at all feasible.”

Bad Tölz: huts-hosts despair of Corona requirements; “Because it is cleverer, if you close up the same”

Then he is even more explicit: “This is a shit. Since you don’t know at all what to do. We can’t start for three families, we must take the whole of the Accommodation apparatus, including additional personnel.“ Under these circumstances, it was never possible to perform a mountain hut in an economically rational way: “Since it is cleverer, if you close up the same.”

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He had already spoken with colleagues who play this. Especially since the mere hosting of the guests is not exactly easy. The menu is drastically reduced. It is on the Tutzing cottage only dishes that you can prepare well, such as, for example, spinach dumplings, goulash, soups, and cottage pasta. Schnitzel and other pan-fried dishes are no longer on the Plan. Jauernig: “In this way, there are no traffic jams and waiting times, people can take your food and drinks in the rule immediately.”

Corona pads make it huts-hosts difficult: hope Austrian solution large

Many hikers do not trust the peace but, apparently, you bring your bread time and sit on a bench in front of the cottage . This is for Jauernig double annoying: To a turnover escapes him, he must disinfect the places then. “People have probably read in the newspaper that everything is crowded and that they could get no place. But none of us will starve and not die of thirst.“ In an emergency you could put up with a To-Go Box on a Meadow: “We have enough space here.” He’s trying to make the Best out of the Situation, “but we also feel the hospitality of a significant decline”. Jauernig hopes that the German Alpine club now uses all the levers in motion. His desire: The Bavarian state government to take the Austrian Hygiene-concept to the model.

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Michaela Larcher, landlady of the Binsalm in the Tight ( Austria ), has collected this model experience. Since 29. May take you back to reservations. In the Two-, Three – and Five-bed rooms are operating as before. In mattress warehouse dividers are now available: “This is very cozy and a good view protection.” Partition walls are now also available between the tables in the guest room. The number of seats and Accommodation options, however, has remained the same. The Laundry room is also cleaned after every use, but five times a day. In addition strong> disinfectant are available for guests<. Larcher: "It's all a bit different, but we are satisfied."

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Of satisfaction is Christine Steiger, publican of Brauneck summit house , far away. Here the situation is slightly more complicated than the Tutzinger hut. In June, no overnight Stays are not even possible, for July it will receive the first applications. Their prognosis is bleak: “We will not be able to many sleeping places are offering,” predicts you. We need to look at how we have the Hygiene rules of hand. It will not be easy.“ First of all, it is going to bring the gastronomy in swing, “and this is difficult enough”.

Florian Durach looking forward to the Overnight season skeptical: “The conditions are awesome,” complains the owner of the Lenggrieser cottage on the Seekar. “Theoretically, anything goes, and in politics louder theorists are holding. In practice, it has to do with people and not with machines. Since everything doesn’t always work out the way you would like it.“ Durach is afraid that it is with him in the future, like many of his colleagues: “The constantly get warnings because some of the guests behavior is wrong.” Durach is assumed that after the re-opening of the Lenggrieser hut 80 percent of the sales will collapse. “And there is no one who can survive with 20 percent residual sales.”

The Watzmann house is one of the most popular mountain huts in Bavaria. The Alpine club wants to renew a part of it. But conservationists sued, and now again right.

hut-hosts and Corona requirements: Nights on the Seekar area maybe in July

once the cottage but still, currently, a new terrace and the new sanitary facilities. 20. June wants to receive Durach, the first guests for the day. In July, overnight Stays may be possible, but it makes Durach, no thoughts: “You have to look, what new requirements it there there.”

also the need of the hour for the Alpine club-section Freising , which operates the Freising cottage in the Längental is to Wait: “We decide from month to month,” says Chairman Christian Rester. “In the next few weeks, we will allow the refuge to all cases.” The requirements for the self-catering cottage are not “difficult at all” to implement. So far, the guests have to clean the rooms before departure, even, in the future, this should take the caretaker . Rester: “This is all much too expensive.”

The devil is often in the Detail. In the cottage there is no dishwasher, so the guests would have to wash the dishes for yourself – at a minimum 45 degree water temperature. Rester: “Who knows if they really do that?”

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According to the Corona-break may open mountain huts in the Alps again. However, there are certain rules – a challenge for hosts and guests.

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