Camping holiday is so much in demand as never before. Many of the campsites are fully booked in the summer holidays already. Here are tips for a pitch to come.

Camping holiday this year experienced a veritable Boom. The reason is the ongoing Corona-crisis . Many camping are fully booked for the summer holidays however .

Dortmund – In three weeks, starting in North Rhine-Westphalia the summer holidays . And vacationers are in luck: as of July, it should be in the whole of the European Union are allowed to travel. Also, air travel is again possible, reported*. But to the Germans, anyway? Current Trends, according to a very different form of travel is in this year, namely in the Camping .

travel form


types of Camping

tents, caravans, camper Vans

the number of campsites in Germany

Just under 3000 with 223.600 pitches

provinces with the most of the camping sites

Bavaria, lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg

Camping holiday 2020: German send as many requests as never before

Like the NDR reported, it would have been for travel in the coastal regions in Germany* at this year’s Whitsun week-end, given so many requests like never before. “It was so violent as rare,” describes Gert Petzold , the Chairman of the Association for Camping and caravan tourism , the situation on the camping in Schleswig-Holstein, .

Some of the campsite operators would get thousands of requests. Of the total of about 60,000 Parking spaces in Schleswig-Holstein, most of them were fully booked.

And for the summer months looks for it. Islands such as Sylt or Fehmarn were also derecognised as well as. According to Petzold, nor what would be in the July and August free who wants to be a space, but it should be quick and book.

summer holiday 2020: Germans no longer want to travel abroad

Also on lake Constance, the situation is similar. Speaker of the baden-württemberg and Bavaria camping company said the SWR, the camping in the South of Germany , now have such a high demand as never before. Many campground operators were not even on the phone, because they were already booked.

reason for the Boom in the ongoing Corona-crisis* and the associated travel restrictions. The global travel warning by the Federal government to 15. June will be canceled, many tourists have thrown your foreign travel plans, but already on Board.

Corona campsite in Pottenstein (Bavaria): on vacation with new rules

A survey conducted by the opinion research Institute Civey for had recently revealed that around 67 percent of the respondents plan in the year 2020, to travel to foreign .

Camping holiday 2020: smears and on favorite place

home holiday refrain is 2020 so fully in the Trend. The effect, however, on the capacity of the camping in Germany . Anyone who has not booked yet, might go out in the summer holidays, in fact, empty.

In any case, it is recommended to act fast and check availability in the South and the North of Germany to. The workloads of the courts are reduced because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Of a spontaneous arrival is not recommended. Instead, you should make a reservation, to the extent permitted by the capacity of the place, in advance.

Camping holiday 2020: Popular campsites have been able to make several hundred requests

Also, you should say goodbye to the desire, in this year, on his favorite campground holidays. Not infrequently, especially popular places have several hundred requests.

So, for example, the campsite Gohren in Kressbronn am Bodensee, the largest on the lake Constance . As the SWR reported, is it normal, that the place, like every year, was fully booked in the summer holidays, as many requests as currently there would have been but never.

+ Many of the campsites in Germany are fully booked for the summer holidays already.©dpa/Felix Kästle

Camping holiday 2020: specific hygiene rules for caravans and campers

Who would like to make this year in the summer holidays nevertheless, Camping holiday , should also take a look at a rather lesser-known places. Or those that do not lie in the tourist high castles (sea or mountains) of the country.

An Overview of many of the campsites in Germany, the ADAC. But be careful: The availability can only be on the respective Websites of the providers consulted.

There are also further references to hygiene rules and spacing rules , which currently have to be due to the Corona pandemic on all campsites followed. So the campsite operators in Bayern may not accept, for example, only caravans and mobile homes with a private sanitary facility.

Camping holiday 2020: wild camping in Germany is strictly

banned should Who come because of the limited capacity of the camping well the idea with his caravan or camping mobile home in the outdoors, should this be better. The Stay in the motorhome or caravan is allowed only in Parking lots and for one night only. Long-term Parking can be punished with fines.

Who would like to require, instead, the tent , not less punishable. Wild camping – so pitching a tent in the wild is not allowed in USA , as well as most of the countries of Europe.

exceptions, among other things, the Baltic States and Scandinavia to form. Who wants to be on the safe side, you can read on this page, and where wild camping in Europe is allowed.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network
