The energy counselling of the consumer has collected seven tips for heat protection for living rooms.

Proper Ventilation

Air is worth more, the cooler it is outside. That is why in the night and morning hours is most effective. Helpful is the use of a thermometer is according to the energy consulting: It measures Outdoor and indoor temperature accurately because of the subjective impression can be deceiving.

roller shutters, Outdoor blinds and other helps for sun protection

most of The outside heat penetrates the window in the flats. In contrast, structural sun protection is an effective help.

roller shutters and Exterior blinds are from the point of view of the climate experts are particularly effective Because they are attached to the outside, prevent the heat coming in through the window, unlike curtains.

In the case of such investments, the state helps even If the shutters have a burglar protection classification – at least RC 2, helps the KfW financially. Also, tenants can benefit. You need to get permission first from the landlord before they are allowed outside to attach shutters.

solar control films and glazing

These guides offer, in addition to Above also have disadvantages: although solar vapour protection film, the heat, they darken, however, permanently in the rooms. Who does not want to, you can hang a white cloth or a bed sheet from the outside in front of the window. The advantage is that you can again simply remove.

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air conditioners

compare Here consumer has come to expect: air-conditioning units consume a lot of power. The consequence of this is that the operation in the case of simple devices cost more than the purchase.

decides Who gets a climate, you should choose one with a high energy efficiency class. Detailed information can be found on the energy label. The best efficiency class A+++. The consumer advocates advise to built-in so-called Split systems. They are much more energy efficient as mobile mono block devices. Also, it’s important that the interested parties should pay attention when choosing the Device on the noise level of the air conditioner.


Before buying an air conditioner, heat, victims should try once, if not also a fan gives remedy. The big Plus: fans are in acquisition and operating cost much less than air conditioning units. However, consumers must be clear: fans don’t reduce room temperature, but for a perceived cooling. The Trick here is that you increase the evaporation of moisture on the surface of the skin.

roof and facade greening

This variant takes a completely different approach : plantings provide natural shadows on walls and roofs. And an additional evaporation of water plants, cooling effect.

for More structural measures

A good insulation of exterior walls and the roof has two effects: In the summer for cool indoor temperatures in the Winter helps save on Heating costs. Roof overhangs and patio roofs direct sun to reduce sunlight into the house, that lowers the warming.

For new buildings the energy saving Ordinance of such measures. The Aims: Thus, it is avoided that the inhabitants of expenses to cool your home with a high energy extra.

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