any person Who operates the so-called Upskirting, in the future, punishable by law: The Bundestag decided on early Friday morning, a law which provides for a prison sentence of up to two years or to a monetary penalty. To apply it, presumably from the fall. to photograph

“A woman under the Rock or in the neck, is a shameless violation of their intimate,” says Federal Minister of justice, Christine Lambrecht (SPD). Such a boundary are not exceeded is acceptable. The photos are violating not only privacy rights, but also the sexual self-determination.

Upskirting: Intimate images in bulk on the net says spread

The legal policy spokesman of the SPD in the Bundestag, Johannes Fechner, “The victims of such photo-attacks are often surprised, or not realize that they were being photographed. Therefore, it is not possible to protect against the Photograph of the intimate area and thus to prevent that the most intimate pictures of the mass distributed on the Internet.”

so Far, the Upskirting was punishable only as a misdemeanor with small fines, which have held perpetrators hardly. “Therefore, we are closing a criminalisation gap and exacerbate the criminal law at this point.”

Jan-Marco Luczak, the legal policy spokesman of the Union group, says that the Shooting attack, unfortunately, is always more and more. “We, however, taxes as a legislator to decide now.” The Attacks were for the victims of humiliating, hurtful and often associated with far-reaching psychological consequences.

especially in large crowds Upskirting instead of find, says Nils Pickert of the feminist organization Pinkstinks – in Bus and train, on Festivals, in Clubs and Bars. “There are people who distribute tiny cameras in public toilets to women shooting.” The photos are for personal use – but it is also shared frequently with well-Known or on the Internet.

Also down blousing to be a Problem

in addition to the Upskirting was also widely used the so-called down blousing far, says Pickert – the secret of Shooting in the neck. “For example, if I come to you on the opposite escalator, so do, as I’d read on my phone a little, but in truth, your chest, take pictures or movies.”

Hanna Seidel is happy about the new law. “This is a very large Symbol for justice, politics, and society. The symbolism should not be underestimated.” It was important to show that not only touches the sexual self-determination has been undermined.

Petition against Upskirting successfully

The 29-Year-old from Ludwigsburg, near Stuttgart, together with Ida Marie Berg from Munich sat with the Petition “Prohibits Upskirting in Germany!”, the debate on the issue brought. More than 100,000 signatories have joined.

in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and the Saarland took up the topic and launched a legislative initiative in the Bundesrat. Seidel says the law will solve completely the Problem: “the company still needs to happen. But it is a real and very important step.”

The Pickert is also. The Photograph of women, in particular, in the public space against their will is not a trivial offence: “It is grip, it is a Form of gender-based violence is and so you should handle this, too.”

Although it was in principle always the question of whether penalties people prevented from doing something. “Unfortunately we have to assume that there will be Upskirting and down-blousing still.” The law is correct: Sexualized violence must be taken as a subject of serious and accurate this must also be reflected in the sentence, says Pickert.

lawyer sees new law against Upskirting critical

The Essen attorney-at-law, Jenny Lederer, the law provides, however, critical. “There are no valid, how often this Problem occurs. Therefore, the law, in my view, has only a symbolic character.” Of course, it was inappropriate and unseemly, to be secretly photographed, and the society needs to be sensitised, says the specialist lawyer for criminal law. A single phenomenon is addressed, but the target offence of a way, is problematic: “criminal law really needs to be the last means to react to something Unwanted. This really is a sharp sword to deal with the Problem.”

Lederer’s opinion, it would have been enough, Upskirting more than an administrative offense which can be punished with a fine. “It is, in my view, the wrong way to react to this with the criminal law.” Even if the harsher penalties will act as a deterrent, is questionable, says Lederer and large proof problems. “From my point of view, the Problem is not solved.”

Not only who’s secretly intimate photos of women, will in future be punished harder, as well, who photographed the dead accident victims. If you shoot seriously injured accident victims or even the Dead out of pure sensationalism, violated every human decency, says Minister Lambrecht. “Often, rescue workers become disabled, they do everything they can to save lives.” So far, the Photograph of the dead is not punishable. “We close this gap now. The families we need to avoid the additional suffering that the pictures of their deceased parents or children are also common.”

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