The cost for going to the Village vary in Germany. Not only is the water tariff is crucial, but in many places, especially the waste water costs. So it is that this is most flush in Mönchengladbach, in the tax, although the water rates in a nationwide comparison, are rather average. The high wastewater costs Mönchengladbach while walking to the bathroom deep down: During a single flushing with a 6-litre cistern, which already 3.2 cents costs, to pay the inhabitants of the city in the West of North Rhine-Westphalia as a year 58,36 euros.

50 kilometres to the Southeast it looks in the cistern, however, is much better: At the least need to pay for the Cologne for your Wasserklo: Here is the single 6-litre flush costs just 1.5 cents, in the year of Cologne’s inhabitants flush so 27,59 Euro down the toilet. This is as a result of the current Spülkosten Index, the real estate Startup, Home to the World toilet day has been created.

The second most expensive city in Germany Essen is, therefore, of 55.41 Euro, followed by Aachen with 54,31 EUR. Expensive it is also in the capital: cost of flushing the Berlin 43,70 euros in the year. Thus, Berlin is still just below the national average of $ 44.56 EUR. Stuttgart, Gelsenkirchen and Bremen pay up to 49 euros in the year.

nationwide, the unstable price situation in Spülkosten

in addition to Cologne are the sewage costs in Munich, Augsburg and Düsseldorf, particularly advantageous – in any of these cities, residents pay no more than 37 euros for the rinse cycle. Get out of debt, Our PDF guide shows you what you need to consider to deleverage in order to be legally correct – and gives valuable tips on how to minimize future debt risk.To the PDF guide, The prices for toilet flushing have changed in the last few years. The cost for a rinse composed of the applicable water tariff and wastewater fee. Only in Munich, Düsseldorf, Münster, Karlsruhe, Hamburg and Wiesbaden, the price for the rinse did not change. The largest price change of 16,35 Euro per year could be observed in Chemnitz. In 2017, the 6-Liter rinse cycle cost in the year 56,94 EUR.

High price differences between neighboring cities,

are Particularly Westfalen what is striking is the large price differentials in North-Rhine Westphalia. Even in the case of direct neighbors such as Cologne (27,59 EUR) and Düsseldorf (EUR 37), there is a price difference of just under ten Euro. Furthermore, the water prices vary due to factors beyond the control of the supplier to the part – such as geological conditions on-site. The most expensive cities in the most populous Federal state of NRW, Mönchengladbach, Essen and Aachen. Home HT GmbH

the Ranking of 30 of the largest cities in Germany after fresh cost of water. Cost of the toilet of water and waste water fees. In Mönchengladbach, the high wastewater costs to the office.

For the calculation of the Spülkosten per year Home has used the water and wastewater rates of the city utility per gallon and the annual cost for a 3, 6, and 10 liters of flushing is calculated. For the calculation of the annual consumption was assumed to be five trips to the Toilet of the day. The results were sometimes rounded up or down. Therefore, they may contain deviations. Stock market professional, Dirk Müller warns that A Gold-ban warns more likely to FOCUS Online stock market professional, Dirk Müller became A Gold-ban has become more likely Than to tackle Spahn his speech, get out AfD members suddenly posters FOCUS Online/Wochit starts As a Spahn to his speech, get out AfD members suddenly posters
