it Was expected that Sony used the CES, the largest consumer electronics trade fair in the world held in Las Vegas, to show off their new tvs. Also it was rumored that it would announce new features of the PlayStation 5. But what nobody imagined was that I was going to present a car. The japanese manufacturer has surprised attendees this Monday at your event in the Convention Center of Las Vegas pulling out an electric vehicle to the stage. It is a prototype called Vision-S packed with sensors to monitor everything that happens both inside as well as outside it.

“it is Not an exaggeration to say that the mobile has been the megatrend of the past decade. I think that the next megatrend will be the mobility,” said Kenichiro Yoshida, president and CEO of Sony Corporation. The company has not offered details on what is your intention with this prototype beyond give to get to know your perception on the future of mobility.


What to expect from the biggest technology show in the world

The car has a total of 33 sensors. Some aim to facilitate the conduct autonomous and detected, both to the people nearby on the outside as to each passenger. In a promotional video, the car recognizes its owner even before mounting him. “Hello, David”, displayed on a screen behind the steering wheel as soon as you open the door.

To Yoshida, “evolution of the mobility will redefine the car”. You are going to convert into a space of entertainment in which the users will be able to be tuned to different contents. Sony has also incorporated in the vehicle some of its latest technologies to achieve this. For example, a large widescreen in the front and the 360 Reality Audio. It is a sound that comes from speakers built into each one of the seats of the car and searches to offer the user an immersive experience.

To manufacture it, has been associated with leaders such as Bosch, Continental, Magna, Qualcomm and Nvidia. Despite the fact that it is the first time that Sony gets a car, its technologies are already used in vehicles of some manufacturers. Some of the sensors that the japanese brand uses in their cameras are used in the Toyota Corolla and the Lexus NX, according to the website specializing in technology, Digital Trends.

the logo of the PlayStation 5

One of the major questions before the presentation was whether Sony would introduce the PlayStation 5. Before making any announcement, Jim Ryan, president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, has put the figures of its predecessor on the table. Already have sold more than 106 million units of the PlayStation 4 around the world and more than 1,150 million games.

then, Ryan has confirmed the name of the new console, and has shown for the first time your logo —very similar to its predecessor—. After that, it has reviewed some of its features are already known, but has not given you new details or shown any image. The launch is kept for this end of 2020, and urged the attendees to stay tuned in the coming months. “Our promise to the robust community of 103 million PlayStation is to offer the biggest and best content, and offer unique experiences to players with an unprecedented speed,” he said.