Huawei have the previous number one, Samsung from South Korea, in the second quarter of outdated, said on Thursday, the market research firm Canalys. Huawei have shipped 55.8 million units, Samsung’s 53.7 million mobile phones. The top position is not likely to be able to keep Huawei but.

It is not according to Canalys, for the first Time in nine years that Samsung is in a quarter of the market leader. Although the sanctions imposed by the United States curtailed against Huawei, the business of the group abroad – in the home market of China, however, the group clearly dominates: There are more than 70 percent of them were of the sold smart phones of Huawei, said Canalys. Analyst Ben Stanton of Canalys, said that the group had greatly benefited from the recovery of the Chinese economy after the Corona-crisis. The group’s self-proclaimed success Thursday, a sign of his “extraordinary resilience”.

Huawei is strong in China, but schwächelnd abroad

Analyst Mo Jia from Canalys explained that the strength in China will not be enough to keep Huawei at the top. Sales abroad fell in the second quarter by almost a third. The trade partners in key markets such as Europe would always be more careful “” you opted for less models from Huawei, and put more on other manufacturers.

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Huawei earns his money as a network supplier. The United States suspects the Chinese corporate espionage, what has Huawei back. The US government has banned Huawei almost completely and puts other countries under pressure to do likewise. The Smartphones from Huawei will run with the Android operating system of the US-based company Google. Actually, the US is not allowed to work for more companies, with Huawei, it exceptions apply to the damage in the US limit companies.

Qualcomm is forecasting decline in Smartphone-paragraphs

of The chip group Qualcomm expects to close the current quarter with a decline of 15 percent in Smartphone sales as a result of the Corona-crisis. The start of a “flagship-5G-phone lying on the lagged global market”, such as Qualcomm announced on Wednesday (local time). It gave no details, which is the provider’s. In September, new models of Apple’s iPhones have traditionally come to the market.

However, the group exceeded its revenue forecast of 7.3 to 8.1 billion dollars (6.2 to 6.9 billion euros) to the expectations of the analysts. Qualcomm completed last, after long negotiations, finally, a license deal with Chinese Smartphone provider Huawei. This will flush $ 1.8 billion in the Qualcomm’s coffers. The Qualcomm share price rose in after-hours trading on Wednesday temporarily to twelve percent.

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