face visors and the Face Shields are known and usually cost between 10 and 15 euros. They are not practical, because the curved plastic discs hide the mouth. Especially for people who rely on sign language or hard under the mask can breathe, are these visors are particularly popular.

However, they provide adequate protection and you are allowed to do that?

experts are completely divided on whether this Alternative to the trade can serve the usual mask as a protection against aerosols and thus the Coronavirus.

commercially available visors can not be on the side to complete. Droplets-aerosols can be inhaled via the air circulation, therefore, Concerned about the nose in and out, says a virologist and chief of Laboratory Martin striker in an interview with the SWR.


The Robert Koch Institute points out (Stand: 8. June), that such a sight is not to be used as “equivalent Alternative” to the conventional mask. In General, such a sneeze guard catches only the droplets landing directly on the plastic disc. The side seems to be no protection given. Masks, in turn, provides an important building block in combination with the minimum distance, in order to reduce the “velocity of propagation”.

another point Of view is, in turn, diseases-expert Alexander Kekulé. In a Podcast of the MDR, he says that the visors are “just as good” as material masks. The very fine droplets that are spread in the rule, a Person would play in the case of an infection a minor role.

The lack of clarity from the science, and also for legal concerns. It is a fact that in most of the infection protection laws of the länder by a (textile) mouth and nose cover the speech. Such a visor, however, is made of plastic. Thus, no legal Basis is (actually) Wear.

CHIP looked at each of the infection protection acts of the länder (as of the end of may, 2020) in more detail.

such sights are to be Permitted in Hamburg, Hessenund Rhineland-Palatinate. In Schleswig-Holstein, such visors are to be worn only in combination with a mouth – and nose protection. This applied in particular to the ” staff of the (health) craft activities on the face of the customer “.

the face will be explained visors explicitly as “unacceptable” Alternative to mouth – and-nose masks in the Federal States of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

Who has purchased, so that a face visor should not use it. In the extreme case, a fine threatens, in fact, that depending on the state, between 50 to 150 euros.

*The post “Instead of mask on mouth and nose: am I Allowed to wear a face visor?” is published by chip.de. Contact with the executives here.