The French talent of the high-tech gone abroad and are they ready to go back into the Hex to bring up the start-up lights ? This is the question posed by #TECH24, the emission in the high-tech of France 24, which has The is a partner. Frédéric Mazella, the number one service for carpool Blablacar, is the origin of ” come Back to Léon “, an appeal which aims to inspire people who have contributed to the outbreak of pure player to succeed abroad, to do the same thing in France. This desire is shared by many of the creators of French start-ups, network items wireless Sigfox specialist online advertising Critéo, the platform customer relations iAdvize, through the service of custom transport Driver-Private, the ticket Master Train, or the site of sale of large brands

A site created for the occasion, and entitled “#ReviensLeon “(called so in a nod to the advertising legendary for the pasta, which made the happiness of the small screen) is directly addressed to the “diaspora” in france. In addition to jobs, there are a host of practical tips to help in the return of expatriates : rental ads of apartments, advice on the move, the acclimation of domestic animals, or still of the sheets on social Security. The idea is not to block the talents in France, but to encourage mobility. “Goes, screw and come back to” we can read on the site that explains : “It is in France that this is happening. “Then enough to create a movement ?

An american center for artificial intelligence in Paris

France does not lack assets. It appears very well placed in a classification of “While” and 42″, a network of engineers that are installed for the most in the Silicon Valley, and concerning the countries where they dream to settle the creators of start-up. Its school of mathematics is also recognized as can be seen in the decision of Facebook to establish in Paris its first centre outside the United States that is dedicated to artificial intelligence.

“The department will consist of 12 researchers at the end of the year, and a thirty next year,” says Yann LeCun, professor at New York University and head of the artificial intelligence for the social network which will work with French institutes, such as Inria. For all that, France, which has a lot of ideas, is still struggling to attract sufficient capital, the fuel of a start-up. Thus, if France is the second country in terms of business start-ups in Europe, it is only 9th in terms of investment through accelerators, according to a study of Fundacity. A next fight for Leon ?