Alicante has been chosen as the headquarters of one of the centres of reference in research into Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe, which will be connected to nearly a dozen centers in 11 european countries, which are part of the network European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS).

The decision, which was made public last night in Vancouver (Canada) on the occasion of a scientific meeting international, will assume that Alicante is integrated into the objective of getting Europe to be competitive in Artificial Intelligence and momentum to be transformed into economic and social benefits. It will be the only Spanish headquarters of the network specialized in a discipline of computer science is key for the development of countries such as the artificial intelligence. The US and several asian countries are much more advanced in this field that the so-called old continent.


“artificial intelligence will be like electricity. Everything will depend on it” Europe will not be left behind in artificial intelligence. By Ramon López de Mántaras

The president valenciano, the socialist Ximo Puig, said that the approval of the candidacy presented by the government “is the result of the wager to the Council by the Comunitat Valenciana and in particular Alicante is a pole of reference in the south of Europe in the research of new technologies and in an IA inclusive, people-centred and that increases the productivity of the socio-economic fabric”. “It is a great opportunity to attract excellent talent to the Region of Valencia and Alicante, as well as to put in value the one you already have,” he said.

the head of The Consell has reminded us that the Generalitat has marked as priority the modernization and innovation inclusive of the Comunitat Valenciana, with the creation of the Valencian Agency of Innovation, of the ministry of Innovation and Digital District, the three agencies that are leading the innovation and research in the Valencian Community and that are located in Alicante.

“these instruments are now added the addition to the network ELLIS, what the Region is going to be placed in the vanguard, in Spain, in a research that is strategic and future”.

The launch of this centre, ELLIS is one of the actions contained in the Strategy of Artificial Intelligence of the Comunitat Valenciana presented by the president a month ago.

The network ELLIS has announced the establishment of the first 17 units in 10 european countries and Israel. Built around leading researchers of AI, the research units are dedicated to addressing fundamental challenges in AI with a focus on research excellence and social impact. To the call were presented 28 proposals from 13 countries.

The proposals selected have been to Alicante, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, Delft, Freiburg, Helsinki, Linz, Lausanne, Louvain, Oxford, Prague, Saarbrücken, Tel Aviv, Tübingen, Vienna (IST Austria) and Zurich, selected by a committee of international assessment based on proven scientific excellence and the implementation of measures to promote the mission of ELLIS.

The list of directors of the drives ELLIS includes european researchers as those of valencia, Nuria Oliver, as well as Wolfram Burgard, Sepp Hochreiter, Thomas Hofmann, Sami Kaski, Bernhard Schölkopf, Yee Whye Teh, Luc van Gool, and Max Welling.

The areas of research of the units ELLIS include machine learning, fundamental, computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, AI, centred on the human being and reliable, and application areas such as modeling environmental, design, autonomous systems, biology, and health.

The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), created on 6 December 2018, is a scientific organization european that focuses on the research and advancement of the AI modern, largely based on machine learning methods such as neural networks deep that allow computers to learn from data and experience.