The rally Liepaja in Latvia will not be included in the emergency calendar of the world rally championship. As the WRC series rallies are broken away by the cancellation, is working in the Background to unconventional plans. Trying with national rallies in the calendar for the rest of the season 2020 padding.

the candidates include the Ypres rally in Belgium, the rally Estonia and rally Liepaja. The latter counts for the European rally championship. In the past weeks, there have been discussions between the local organiser of the rally, the FIA and the WRC Promoter and the ERC Promoter Eurosport Events.

Of all the pages has been signalled to the interest that the car could drive in addition to the ERC, in Liepaja. The rally is from 14. to 16. August as the second Event in the European calendar. Now the talks are over. The ideas for an upgraded, common rally, you can’t put it into practice.

Latvia remains an EM-run

“First of all, we would like to thank the WRC Promoter has pulled the rally Liepaja as a possible Event into consideration,” says Raimonds Strokss, the Director of RA Events. This company takes care of the organization of the rally. This there is since the year 2013. It was the first international car race in Latvia since the end of the Soviet Union.

“In the past few days we have worked extremely hard. We have shown the WRC Promoter, we and Latvia are not afraid to take on a big challenge like the organization of a WRC event in this short period of time in attack. For various reasons, but it was decided that the rally Liepaja is part of the WRC calendar.”

Although it didn’t work out in the short time rating of Strokss the conversations generally positive: “We must not forget that Latvia and the rally Liepaja have to get a special occasion. It is the last step, this is the first Time a WRC rally in the Baltic States lacked would have taken place.”

On the other Since the rise the chances that the rally Estonia world Cup-could get Status. Originally, this run for the last July had been planned weekend. Due to the Corona pandemic, this appointment had not been keep of course. The rally would have had the Status as a candidate rally for the WRC.

Since mid-June, the WRC Promoter is also located with the organizers of the rally Estonia in conversations. A decision is not made yet. With Ott Tänak for the first Time, an Estonian rally champion was in the last year. In his home country of the current Hyundai drivers is a big Star.

This article was written by Gerald Dirnbeck

*The post “WRC-rest calendar: Latvia is not a world Cup run, the opportunities for Estonia?” will be published by Contact with the executives here.